April 3, 2008

Procrastination can be Happy!

I am an excellent procrastinator. I have a paper due in 28 minutes... and here I blog. So to keep it short - I'll make a list. I believe in lists. Too much really -- at times I think my life is a checklist - or at least my approach to life... My favorite author wrote a book about that once... I believe in change too (and ellipses apparently) so I'm working on it. But lists work well in a pinch.

#1 - I am so happy when my friend Lyn doesn't eat dinner until 9:15 p.m. so I can have dinner with her when I'm done with work.
#2 - I am so happy when I see 3 deer in the park - scratch that - not a park, a cemetery this morning on my way to school. They were happy too munching on flowers that people leave.
#3 - I am so happy seeing the new buds on the weeping willow outside my gate. I'll have to get some pictures as soon as I'm at my house while it's light outside.
#4 - I am so happy when I think about my recent Disneyland trip! It's definitely a coping skill.
#5 - I am so happy when my brother and sister-in-law call me to invite me for Red Mango and when it turns out there's $40 on their gift card instead of $20!

I'll be so happy when my paper's done and so will my professor be - well, maybe she doesn't care much really... Then I can start working on the one due tomorrow.

I remember President Hinckley said, "The doors of excellence swing on very small hinges." I think I'm just in a revolving door.

18 minutes left.


LynnEl Springer said...

I love being able to read your 'journal'!! You are so cute! I love you - and I love that you love to see the deer and enjoy the little things in life - and I love your hydrangia picture!! They're so pretty!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy we made the "happy list", but a little sad that we are at the bottom. We are going to work hard to move to the top.

-Noah and April