
really feeling like some action is in order.
So I thought I'd share.
Sister Dew said, "Influence is not about elevating self, but lifting others."
Our Father wants us back, and He wants us back clean."
She said, "We may not be the first generation of sisters to be influenced by the world but we need to be the last. We’ve got to be the last. The apostle Paul said it best. “It is high time to awake out of sleep… The night is far spent, the day is at hand; therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light” (Romans 13:11-12).
"If it’s any consolation we’re not the first generation to struggle with this. In 1873, Eliza R. Snow said this to the Relief Society. 'I have thought how necessary for the Saints of the living God to be more of a distinct people than they already are… to be as different from the rest of the world as our privileges are more exalted—we should be a shining light to the nations of the earth. But I often say to myself, are we what we should be?'
We're certainly not the first generation to be influenced by the world but we must be the last.
(In fact, there are so many good quotes from that talk - that'll have to be a new happy little "element" of my blog.)
(Speaking of happy and little - remember Bob Ross? The happy painter? Happy little clouds, happy little trees... I may have to do an 'ode to Bob Ross post'.
Catheryn seriously loved him.)
—in happy ways—
from the women of the world."
Isn't it wonderful that President Kimball say "distinct and different in HAPPY ways"?!!! That alone made me So Happy!
But what are those ways?
How are we different in happy ways from such good, spiritual women? Are we?
Rather -- am I?
Sister Dew continued, "It has been 3 decades since that call to action... Are we ever going to do more than just quote President Kimball? We have the gift of the Holy Ghost. A living Prophet. Spiritual gifts. Access to Priesthood power. Ordinances that endow us with knowledge and power. Unique leadership training and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness. We should be far more distinctive than even the very finest women in the world. Are we? In our everyday lives do we talk of Christ, rejoice in Christ, preach of Christ and testify of him?
Are we women on a mission to build his kingdom? …Are we the women God needs us to be in the latter part of the Latter-days?"
"Sisters it is high time for us to arise and have the influence that God intended us to have. It is high time for us to lead the women of the world. It’s high time for us to model the distinctiveness and happiness that sets true followers of Jesus Christ apart."
A good chunk of the world flows right into my living room through the ol'boob tube.
So - today, I unplugged it.
Yep - I'm gonna see if I can just go a week without watching it.
(Or at least make it more difficult so that if I really do need to see something I'll have to make an effort to watch it - you know - a conscious choice instead of just falling back into that comfort zone of nothingness. Watching movies with friends doesn't count, right?)
I mean really - how important are the Kardashian's? Or knowing what's happening on The View? Or having Oprah tell me how to live my best life? I'm pretty sure I know how and it didn't come from listening to the Big O. (Sister Dew said she heard someone quote a talk show host in Relief Society the other day. Then she said, "Come on! Surely we haven't become so numb that we would endorse an openly immoral celebrity in the Lord's organization for women.")
So I'm grateful that Sister Dew has provided me a wake up call in the form of her talk.
to seek to hear the voice of the Spirit."
"I’m not talking about doing more although it may mean doing things differently. I am talking about focus and perhaps further consecration. Making of your life a ministry means consciously asking yourself in regular everyday situations, “Why has the Lord brought me here today?” and then looking for ways to build up people and the kingdom. It means asking the Lord what He needs you to do… Ministering might mean… starting a blog to share what you believe online. (Awesome!) (She didn't say awesome by the way.) It is our stewardship, after all, to pass along the legacy of what it means to be a woman of God to the next generation… We’re the ones who need to define Latter-day Saint Womanhood. Not anyone else. This means speaking up and reaching out. It means seeking to have influence in as many ways and with as many people as possible. Those who think of life as a ministry tend to be less lonely, less likely to feel that life has spun out of control, more inclined to have a gentle heart, more filled with purpose."
She quoted the scripture - "For even the Son of Man came to minister not to be ministered unto" (Mark 10:45) and I find myself thinking, "But of course! He was the Savior! He had to know He was here to serve others and get His comfort from His Father- the God of all comfort (one of my new favorite scriptures) -
with whom He was totally in tune.
Heavenly Father would bless me with the same comfort. The same peace. The same opportunity to serve in my circle if I would do the same things as Jesus did while He was away from His Father the same as I am now.
We have the same commandments and the same promises.
(How miraculous is that?!).
Except - it's all made possible for me through Jesus Christ.
So it's almost even more incumbent on me to follow Him - since He gave me the example - perfectly - and provided the way for me to get back on the path - lovingly and miraculously mercifully.
So true.
Sister Dew believes it too.
"What is our potential influence as we and our sisters across the earth rally together for the cause of Jesus Christ? Will you consider the collective power of one? What if every woman in Relief Society living near a Temple went to the Temple just one extra time this year. How much more revelation would flow into the homes of the church? Or – what if we each did one thing this month, just one, to improve our ability to hear the voice of the Spirit? Or – one thing to become more pure? Or – tuned out one talk show and studied scriptures instead… Or – went to cheer on one Laurel we’re not related to. Have you noticed how many times I have said or? What is one thing you could do and would be willing to do? Or – and here’s the big question – what if every sister in Relief Society looked and prayed for one just one opportunity to share the Gospel this year? ...Now does this seem just outrageous? Or is it exactly what President Kimball foresaw; that we, we would be a significant force in both the numerical and spiritual growth of the Church in the last days. I believe it. And I believe it’s high time we make it happen. I’m going to try. Will you?"
Yes, Sister Dew! YES!
"Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said this, 'Something is going to be asked of this dispensation that’s never been asked before. We must be ready to present the Church of the Lamb, to the Lamb, and when that happens, we must be looking and acting like His Church.' This may seem impossible but… with the Lord’s help and our best effort we will prevail…
Our Father sent us now precisely because He knew we would not stop until we got the job done. We are followers of Jesus Christ and we have been his followers and loved Him for a long, long time. Nothing is more important than working and sacrificing and enduring for Him. Let us be the generation of women that, finally, walks away from the world. If we will awake, arise and come unto Christ we will have a degree of influence…that has no limit and no end.
We can do this. I know we can."
That's because the women of the Church have the ability to be different and distinct in happy ways from the women of the world because we have the Gift of the Holy Ghost! And when we follow His promptings (acting quickly to follow every inspiration that is honorable and right) - whether we are mothering our own children or another's (including perhaps someone who may have children older than we are (aka old lady friends)) - we can have influence.What are you dewing to avoid worldly influence?
How dew you righteously minister to and influence others?
What are we dewing to prepare the Church of the Lamb to present to the Lamb when He comes?
I'm not saying you aren't, I'm saying you are -- please tell me how!
(And, seriously, if you're still reading at this point, leave me a comment. You get a prize. Just tell me you saw this. :))
"We cannot escape the influence our lives have upon the lives of others."
But we can certainly choose the things by which we will be influenced.
And how grateful I feel for those righteous women who have had influence on my life.
First of all the pictures are amazing! Did you take those? So pretty!! Then I got to the one of me and you! Holy Cow! Look at that big hair!! Whew! I think you should add one more pic to your ladies who have influenced you - and that would be G!! She was your first old lady love! And she still loves you so! As for your post - WOW! I think I will print it out and save it and use it for a talk when I'm asked! So powerful! So good! Congrats on turning off the boob tube too! I personally hate that thing - except to watch the Pioneer Day Celebration tonight with the MoTabs and Osmonds! Ohhhh, Marie was totally crying! And then to hear programs that teach me more - about the scriptures and life - like the one you watched with Sis. Dew! Aren't we lucky to live in a time where we can just listen to wonderful people like that any ol' time?!! I love you! You're the best! And yes, it is almost 1:00 a.m.! I'm going to bed now! Good night!
And I don't know who the Kardashian's are???
Thanks Mom! I tried to find one of me and G but I don't have a digital one yet -- I'll get her in there don't worry. I love her too. :)
And yep - I took all the pics!
I'm glad you don't know who the Kardashian's are. Just a silly reality show - but their step-dad is Bruce Jenner! :) hahaha. Wheaties.
That was a very nice thing to read on a Sunday morning to help me focus on the right spirit for the day so, Thank you! The pictures were amazing.
About the TV Im telling you its the BEST thing in the world we have ever done to get rid of TV. We still have one and we still watch movies but we can control what movies are coming into our home. Plus we have the clearplay DVD player that will cut out all the language and other stuff in PG-13 movies that shouldnt be there. It opens up so much time and it just feels good to know that all that CRAP on TV cant come into our home. We do miss a few of our favorite shows like the Office and 24 but we can Netflix those and use the filters to watch them...just a little later then everyone else. Seriously though those few good things were not worth all of the filth coming in. Good for you!
I going to go dew it now too!
Your blog was awesome!!! The pictures are soooo great! I don't think I ever knew how good of a photographer you are. I totally loved everything you said and all the quotes were just awesome! This could totally be a Sacrament talk... If you ever need one last minute you could just come on and get it off of here! I think the TV idea is awesome. I did it for a week and it had it's good points and bad points...but it was a good experience! Maybe I'll do it again sometime. Anyway, your blog was awesome and I loved it and I saw you're giving away prizes... :) But I dont' need one. It was good enough to just read it!
Amazing pics! And amazing thoughts! Thanks so much for sharing! I stole a quote for my blog. ;-) I'm so inspired to step it up and make an effort to "leave the world." I love Sheri Dew! Thanks, Amy!
This is exactly why you were asked to serve on the Women's Conference committee! You are such a good person. And those pictures! Amazing!
Sister Dew is my all time favorite!! Thanks for your blog. Just this morning I was pondering these very things and then to come across your blog and all you quoted was like a pure gift in answer to my thoughts. Thanks for taking the time to write it out for us. It would make a great Sacrament talk/RS lesson. You're pictures are amazing! Thanks for sharing this important message and challenge. Watch out world...we women are on fire!
Beautiful pictures and words. Just what I needed to read tonight!
Love you girl!
Hi Amy,
You know I am not Mormon, but I did enjoy reading this post. It's inspiring to see someone so inspired! Although I am obviously not a member of Relief Society, I do belong to an organization with Christian principles called PEO. At the beginning of every meeting we recite from memory our "objects and aims." I won't list the whole thing, but part of it goes, "To seek growth in charity toward all with whom we associate, and a just comprehension of and adherence to the qualities of Faith, Love, Purity, Justice and Truth. Later it says, "To aim at self-control, equipoise (I love that word, btw) and symmetry of character, and temperance in opinions, speech, and habits."
We should all try to live toward those goals! And re the TV - we have only broadcast cable - meaning none of the "cable" channels - just NBC, ABC, Fox, PBS, etc. It's much cheaper, and we frankly just don't watch that stuff on the other channels. We don't watch a lot, but I find with out it at all, I go really dumb in terms of the news... serious news, I mean, not TMX... :)
I really like your blog!
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