One of the most beloved men in my life is my mission president.
Yo creo que el sabe todo en cuanto al Evangelio de Jesucristo.
El fue uno de los primeros misioneros en Mexico.
Tambien fue sellador en el Templo de la Ciudad de Mexico.
He is an incredible man. So loving, so intelligent, so sweet and he loves to eat ice cream!
I think that he knows everything about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
He was one of the first missionaries in Mexico.
He was also a sealer in the Mexico City Temple.
I think that he knows everything about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
He was one of the first missionaries in Mexico.
He was also a sealer in the Mexico City Temple.
(Y la Hermana tambien - como podria yo decir bastante para describir sus dones y calidades?
Ella tambien es increible. Le encanta las flores y puede hacer chocolate (para beber) que yo creo es magico! Nunca pudimos hacerlo como ella! Puede cocinar una cena como para un rey con dos papas y una zanahoria! )
I was so blessed to be able to have him be my Presidente.
(And la Hermana also -- how could I ever say enough to describe her gifts and qualities?
She also is incredible. She loves flowers and can make hot chocolate that I think is magic! We never could make it like her! She can cook a meal fit for a king with two potatoes and a carrot!)
Ella tambien es increible. Le encanta las flores y puede hacer chocolate (para beber) que yo creo es magico! Nunca pudimos hacerlo como ella! Puede cocinar una cena como para un rey con dos papas y una zanahoria! )
I was so blessed to be able to have him be my Presidente.
(And la Hermana also -- how could I ever say enough to describe her gifts and qualities?
She also is incredible. She loves flowers and can make hot chocolate that I think is magic! We never could make it like her! She can cook a meal fit for a king with two potatoes and a carrot!)
En Augusto ellos van a celebrar 50 anos de casados.
Yo he sido tan bendecida por su casamiento.
In August they will celebrate 50 years of marriage.
I have been so blessed by their marriage.

Los dos son una bendicion tan grande en mi vida.
They are both a huge blessing in my life.
Les extrano muchisisisimo!
I visited them twice in Mexico - in 2002 and 2005.
I miss them so so so so soooooooo much!
I love this photo! So funny! Urban zone -- seem urban to you?
Yo soy gigante en Mexico!)
(These are photos of my visit to Mexico. We traveled in the mountains and found a little village and these woman were very friendly to us. Well - Presidente and Hermana Huerta haven't ever met people that aren't their friends - or who don't want to be their friends within minutes!
I am gigantic in Mexico.)
I am gigantic in Mexico.)
Mi Presidente me enseno a ser obediente, a trabajar fuertemente, a amar a otros, a tener fe, a ser fuerte y a amar a Nuestro Padre Celestial mas que senti antes de mi mision.
My Presidente taught me to be obedient, to work hard, to love others, to have faith, to be strong and to love our Heavenly Father more than I felt before my mission.
My Presidente taught me to be obedient, to work hard, to love others, to have faith, to be strong and to love our Heavenly Father more than I felt before my mission.
Me dio muchas bendiciones durante y despues de mi mision. Me encanto poder vivir cerca a la casa de la mision por casi toda mi mision y estar con ellos. Comi mucho helado en su casa, cante en su casa, ore en su casa y pude escuchar a el orando - que fue hermosismo cada vez. Pensaba yo que si abri mis ojos hubiera visto a Nuestro Padre Celestial en la sala con nosotros por que yo se que El escucha cuando Presidente Huerta ora.
He gave me many blessings during and after my mission. I loved being able to live near the mission home for almost all of my mission and be with them. I ate a lot of ice cream in their home, sang in their home, prayed in their home and got to listen to him praying -- which was so beautiful every time. I thought if I opened my eyes I could've seen Heavenly Father in the room with us because I know that He listens when Presidente Huerta prays.
Cada dia pienso en ellos y ojala que viviera mas cerca!!!
Each day I think about them and I wish they lived closer!
He gave me many blessings during and after my mission. I loved being able to live near the mission home for almost all of my mission and be with them. I ate a lot of ice cream in their home, sang in their home, prayed in their home and got to listen to him praying -- which was so beautiful every time. I thought if I opened my eyes I could've seen Heavenly Father in the room with us because I know that He listens when Presidente Huerta prays.
Cada dia pienso en ellos y ojala que viviera mas cerca!!!
Each day I think about them and I wish they lived closer!
Saque esta foto cuando visitaron a mi casa en 2006. Fue la cena mejor de mi vida al tener Presidente y Hermana Huerta, Hermana Jack y Presidente y Hermana Rasband a la vez!
Mis preferidos de todo tiempo!
I took this photo when they visited my house in 2006. It was the best dinner of my whole life to have Presidente and Hermana Huerta, Sister Jack and President and Sister Rasband all at the same time!
My favorites of all time!
Son personas tan celestiales.... Les amo con todo mi corazon.
They are such celestial people... I love them with all my heart.
Feliz Cumpleanos Presidente. Le quiero.
They are such celestial people... I love them with all my heart.
Feliz Cumpleanos Presidente. Le quiero.
Yo se que el quiere solomente que yo sea feliz -
y el con la Hermana Huerta me hacen --
Tan Feliz.
I know that he only wants for me to be happy -
and he and la Hermana Huerta make me --
So Happy.
y el con la Hermana Huerta me hacen --
Tan Feliz.
I know that he only wants for me to be happy -
and he and la Hermana Huerta make me --
So Happy.
What a nice tribute. You should do a friend profile every day. What's with the Mr. Spock hands?
I think they are a branch on your family tree!! As are the Jacks and the Rasbands!! :)
I loved this post!! You make me smile. And man oh man is your Spanish good. I feel like mine...well, it's not so good right now. :(
Yeah Stephanie! I've missed you! I started wondering if you were ok! Love you!!!!
Gracias Amy!! For all the love you give to my parents too. They are great aren't they?? I'm happy you love them too. Those pictures of them are great!! I also wish I lived closer to them. THANKS!!
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