The Princess Bride.

And I stumbled on in time for the old lady to say, "Boo! Boo! So bow to her if you want. Bow to her, bow down. Bow to the Queen of Putrescence!" (How is that a word?? But it is -- no little red line underneath to tell me to change it!)

Of course, my favorite line is, wait -- I can't just have one.
"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!"
"No more rhyming and I mean it!" "Anybody want a peanut?"
"Mawage is what bwings us togevva today."
"Inconceivable!" "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
"Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up."
"To the death!" "No! To the pain!" (Yikes!)
"Why won't my arms work?" "You've been almost dead all day!"
"Move? You're alive - if you want I can fly."
"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while. "
Oh, so many many more. And so many memories.
The best time I had watching this was in Seattle with Maria and co. outside in the Seattle Center. Every time (is that not one word?) they said "The Dread Pirate Roberts" a whole group of people would stand up and wave a pirate flag. Loved it.
And don't you love that Kevin from -- what was that show with Winnie and the tall, skinny kid that should have been called Allen or something... Life goes on? No - I think that was with Corky... Google. Fred Savage - The Wonder Years. Awesome. -- is the little sick kid. So 80's.

And Columbo. So great.
And the floating down out of the window in her wedding dress to the horse moment -- awesome.
What are your favorite lines/memories of The Princess Bride?
Ever had anyone actually say, "As you wish?"

-should-be-asleep-anyway make me So Happy!
"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"
And, "Gently!" I cannot hear the word, gently, without thinking of this movie.
And don't forget, "have fun storming the castle!"
That is my all-time favorite movie.
I love that movie too - and the old lady is my favorite part!! I watched Stardust last night an it made me think of this movie too - I'm sad I didn't know PB was on!
I think our fam has loved this movie forever! I think you were on your own (which is a favorite of Stacey's - the movie "On Our Own") when we all watched it so much - because it totally reminds me of Catheryn and Dan! I cannot watch that movie or hear "Marwwage is what brwings us togetha today" without seeing Catheryn's face all puffed out cheeks and all saying that phrase over and over and over again and Dan laughing so hard! That movie will be a Springer Fam fav forever - and will always bring Catheryn back to my memories!
and how come we have to type so dang many letters instead of just like 4 or 5? We have to type 8 for your 'word verification'!! ;(
Princess Bride reminds me of a slumber party when I was seven years old...Oh the good old days of being 7! And I loved the link to the Wonder Years!!!!!! Seriously, every summer night when I was in 8th grade I would watch Wonder Year's re-runs on Nick@Night! What a funny show.
I looked up putrescent... it says:
putrescent |pyoōˈtresənt|
undergoing the process of decay; rotting : the odor of putrescent flesh.
putrescence noun
ORIGIN mid 18th cent.: from Latin putrescent- ‘beginning to go rotten,’ inceptive of putrere ‘to rot’ (see putrid ).
Booyah to the hag
I love that movie and I need to see it again.
Hi, I'm a stranger. Don't be alarmed. I'm always a little alarmed when strangers comment on my blog but don't worry, I'm harmless. Amanda told me about your blog and I was instantly drawn in because I love both Dolly Parton AND the Princess Bride. And I noticed that you had a link to Sam and Holly's blog, which made me like you even more. (We all grew up in the same stake. Go Chino!)
I'm adding to your list of quotes: "I am not lefthanded," and "ROUSes? I don't think they exist."
Mmmmm, Princess Bride reminds me of my childhood! Love that movie.
Yeah a stranger comment! I love it! I love the ROUSes too! And I love that Katie was 7 when she watched the movie! I forgot that Catheryn loved it so much -- and I love that Stacey looked up putrescence! So happy!!!
(Also - happy that I got rid of the little word verification problem!)
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