Today I got a letter -- the most exciting letter I have perhaps ever received in my life. Maybe besides my mission call - but I knew that was coming - so this could be more exciting...
I know - you're thinking - "Oh Amy. You're such an exaggerator."
But! I am not! Ever! :)
Today - the letter. From President Cecil O. Samuelson, President of BYU!

I thought he probably wanted money - but nope.
Maybe he wanted me to be a "mentor." Nope.
Maybe he wanted me to buy season tickets. Nope.
He wanted to invite me to "serve on the 2009 Women's Conference Committee!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(That's only an exaggeration of exclamation points.)
So! Apparently -- I get to help with the planning of Women's Conference for the next two years!
Guess who speaks at Women's Conference....

It's seriously my dream come true to get to be involved. And it came true. Oh. My. Heck.
And it's on May 1, 2009. I love May Day!
So Rise and Shout! And come to Women's Conference next year!
I've got two months until meetings start to get perfect! (I'd better go to bed, so I don't need a cherry coke in the morning!) (maybe I shouldn't write that... maybe they'll read this and officially un-invite me! uh-oh)
Happy! Happy! So, So, So, Happy!!!! Out of my mind super excited happy! So. So. Happy.
Mimi - You are so excited and so am I for you!!!!!!!! This is one of the most fun things for you! Congratulations!! I told Carolyn and she said she would never want to be in on that - and so glad there are people like you who LOVE to do that!! :) I am already thinking of how I can come to Women's Conference next year to be there with you! Yahoo!!! I wonder if the Quilt Show will be around that same time!??? :) Just a thought. Congrats again!
Oh my goodness Amy - that is AWESOME. I have ALWAYS wanted to go to women's conference...but I've yet to make it. Maybe next year. I really am SO excited for you. You are AWESOME. I love your blog!
Yeah!!! This is so so so so so so SO exciting! I am so happy for you! You're going to have so much fun and just love every second of it! Congratulations!!!
Thats awesome! You will be such an asset to them! Congrats!
Amy! That is so wonderful! You are going to be the best addition to the women's conference team they've ever had. You are beyond fabulous. :)
'Felicitations' Amy! Being on that committee will be such a blessed experience! I have complete confidence in your ability to contribute perfectly to that calling, and many lives will be blessed because of your part in it. I will be keeping my eye out for you then when I view the broadcast :).
Some happy news of my own: I was just called to be Relief Society President of my ward here in Cambridge. A 'happy' blessing indeed. I'm so humbled and grateful, and completely comprehend your excitement over a calling. Because of the size of our ward, I was able to call three counselors instead of just two - and these women are simply fabulous. What a blessing it is to serve in the Lord's church!!!
'I stand all amazed' pretty much sums it all up.
Amy, that is amazing!! I am so happy for you!! I really enjoy your blog. You make my day bright and make me aware of my blessing.
I just came back from Girls Camp and thought of you... thus the phone call.
Good Luck Amy and I hope to see you while you are up here in Seattle.
Hey, old friend! A few years have gone by and I still think of you. I just love this blog thing--I get in touch with old friends. Congrats on your new job working on Women's Conference. I've never been so maybe this will be a first for me. That's just wonderful.
okay Aim - you must be so busy! I keep looking for pictures of your Seattle trip - but you're too busy! But now you can blog about your upcoming trip to Dollywood!! Yahoo! Dad even said he would go to the concert!!! :) So happy!
Yeah, Amy, I would also love to see your pictures from Seattle. Listen to your grandma! :-) I was so happy to see you in Seattle. So sad that our paths crossed for just a day, but oh what a glorious day it was!! :-) A few highlights/tidbits/memories: CSI Seattle, yummy vinegar with LOTS of bread, long haired hippie couple with several chins and no necks, black stuff in your teeth with Hawaiian guy, our miracle of a parking space, "strangers making the most of the dark," and Dick's milkshakes. And also, tummy aches from so much greasy food. Last, but definitely not least: "Part of the joy that I get from this boy...."
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