Well - Before I tell you about Day 2 of Seattle I have to tell you that
my real happiness today
comes in the form of an early birthday present!
This Friday I get to have lunch with two of my favorite ladies!!! ELJ and her friend...
Bonnie Parkin!
I'm so excited!!! I love love love Sister Parkin!
I'm thrilled and grateful and, again, fairly sure that I'm the favorite of all of God's Children!!
So I'll have happiness to share on Friday! I can't wait!
And to transition...
Sister Parkin used to live in Seattle Too!!! Yeah for Seattle!
(Colleen memories again! We bought each other a lovely little umbrella pin just like Sister Parkin when she came to visit and told us to "Just pop up!" and said she had bought it at Pike Place Market.
Love it!)
So - My second wonderful day in Seattle.
Mostly my day consisted of A. - People I love:
First - My former co-workers:

Those are some wonderful ladies. I miss working with them!
Second - My "German Lutheran Family":
The Mobley's
These are two of the best people you could ever be lucky enough to meet.
Nowhere are people more genuine and loving and good!
Richard can build anything in the world and Tina --
well what can't Tina do!
Being in Seattle always reminds me how lucky I am to know the best people in the world!

And Harriet:
(How come I don't have a picture of me and Harriet together? Where are those pics from my 30th b'day party?
Mo - do you have any? Very Strange!!!
Harriet is not Hilda in front or Stella behind her. She's the lovely behind both other lovely ladies.)
Oh I wish you could all know Harriet!!! She is so fantastic. Kind and fun and so kind and generous and loving and wonderful. I absolutely love being with her!
Third - Stella:
I must say, I'm so disappointed we didn't get a new picture together.
She is stunningly beautiful.
This September she will celebrate 100 years of life! She is amazing.
Fourth - My wonderful Temple Friends.
Obviously I don't have pictures of seeing my Temple Friends - but it was so wonderful to see them!!! Oh Wait!!!
This is my very favorite Sister Brown - she came to my graduation party and ironically I didn't see her when I went to the Temple this time but she definitely means the Temple to me!
I didn't even change out of my street clothes -- I just ran around and talked to everyone and
OF COURSE at yummy chocolate pudding!
There's nowhere like the Seattle Temple.
B. - Places I love:
1. The Temple!

(This is actually a picture of the Chapel behind the Temple - but it's so beautiful!)

#2 - Green Lake. It was nighttime by the time I got there to walk around - so here are some pictures from when I used to live in Seattle.

I swear Green Lake is a little heaven on earth.
And C - Food I love:
1. Lunch and tea at the Mobley's with Harriet joining us for tea and dessert! Such wonderful Seattle memories - It was always my favorite thing to have "tea with jam and bread" with Harriet!
Harriet and I stopped at Tully's and I had a Yerba Mate Latte! YUM (no it's not coffee...) Seattle AND Argentina!
Why is Tully's also not in SLC??
2. I should've taken a picture of the Dick's Deluxe Burger that I ate after my walk around Green Lake. I was sitting there alone in the car, eating a burger, fries and a coke when the song "I'm Too Sexy" came on the radio. I had to laugh. Perfect soundtrack for me stuffing my face at 11:00 at night - alone in the driveup at Dick's. I'm definitely too sexy.
Found an old pic...
So many things make me so happy today. So much Happiness!!!
Really. So Happy.
comes in the form of an early birthday present!
This Friday I get to have lunch with two of my favorite ladies!!! ELJ and her friend...

I'm so excited!!! I love love love Sister Parkin!
I'm thrilled and grateful and, again, fairly sure that I'm the favorite of all of God's Children!!
So I'll have happiness to share on Friday! I can't wait!
And to transition...
Sister Parkin used to live in Seattle Too!!! Yeah for Seattle!
(Colleen memories again! We bought each other a lovely little umbrella pin just like Sister Parkin when she came to visit and told us to "Just pop up!" and said she had bought it at Pike Place Market.
Love it!)
So - My second wonderful day in Seattle.
Mostly my day consisted of A. - People I love:
First - My former co-workers:
Second - My "German Lutheran Family":
The Mobley's
These are two of the best people you could ever be lucky enough to meet.
Nowhere are people more genuine and loving and good!
Richard can build anything in the world and Tina --
well what can't Tina do!
Being in Seattle always reminds me how lucky I am to know the best people in the world!
And Harriet:

Mo - do you have any? Very Strange!!!
Harriet is not Hilda in front or Stella behind her. She's the lovely behind both other lovely ladies.)
Oh I wish you could all know Harriet!!! She is so fantastic. Kind and fun and so kind and generous and loving and wonderful. I absolutely love being with her!
Third - Stella:

She is stunningly beautiful.
This September she will celebrate 100 years of life! She is amazing.
Fourth - My wonderful Temple Friends.
Obviously I don't have pictures of seeing my Temple Friends - but it was so wonderful to see them!!! Oh Wait!!!
I didn't even change out of my street clothes -- I just ran around and talked to everyone and
OF COURSE at yummy chocolate pudding!
There's nowhere like the Seattle Temple.
B. - Places I love:
1. The Temple!
(This is actually a picture of the Chapel behind the Temple - but it's so beautiful!)
#2 - Green Lake. It was nighttime by the time I got there to walk around - so here are some pictures from when I used to live in Seattle.

And C - Food I love:
1. Lunch and tea at the Mobley's with Harriet joining us for tea and dessert! Such wonderful Seattle memories - It was always my favorite thing to have "tea with jam and bread" with Harriet!
Harriet and I stopped at Tully's and I had a Yerba Mate Latte! YUM (no it's not coffee...) Seattle AND Argentina!
Why is Tully's also not in SLC??
2. I should've taken a picture of the Dick's Deluxe Burger that I ate after my walk around Green Lake. I was sitting there alone in the car, eating a burger, fries and a coke when the song "I'm Too Sexy" came on the radio. I had to laugh. Perfect soundtrack for me stuffing my face at 11:00 at night - alone in the driveup at Dick's. I'm definitely too sexy.
Found an old pic...
So many things make me so happy today. So much Happiness!!!
Really. So Happy.
Awesome pictures! Such wonderful memories!!!
Im loving going down memory lane in Seattle with you. Did I tell you we sold our familys portion of the cabin? So we dont go up there each summer anymore. Greenlake was always one of my favorite places to go. My Dad grew up on Revenna Blvd about 6 houses down from that Albertsons. He says he remembers when he was a kid riding his bike around a tiny dirt path. Its come along way! We loved getting out of the car from the long drive from LA and running down to the park there and to go swimming! Your blog is making me happy!
It looks like you had a blast last month in Seattle. I didn’t even know you went there last month! That’s awesome. I love love love the temple pictures! They are great! I am looking forward to seeing you this weekend...sorry we have to come down there instead of you coming up here! Oh well we will still have a blast!
I swear, every time I post a comment on your blog something goes wrong. I have only had to delete comments on yours! I am so sorry! I am ridiculous! My comment posted twice so, once again…the above deleted post is from me! Sorry!
Lisa - would you believe that Albertson's is totally gone now and it's all built up with condos! It's changed so much right at that intersection! Strange! I could hardly find my way to the Stake Center! :) I'm so sad you sold your part of the cabin!! Such good memories up there!!!
That makes me so sad to hear! It has been somewhat sad when we go back to Seattle and especially right where my Dad grew up because so much has changed. The same with the lake. I think we sold at the right time because now that beautiful road has cabins on both sides and all the trees are being cut down!
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