Two years ago today I drove my U-Haul Wagon into the Valley.
I talked so much on the way that I was WAY over my minutes
-- by 800 minutes!
Fortunately Verizon helped me out and changed my plan.
Then about a week later I had to move everything again because my apartment flooded.
So move #2.
Then I moved into my condo! Move #3.
That's it.
No more moving.
Except it really needs to be painted.
Sometime soon. Get ready everybody!
Those first few months here were so fun!
I went to Vegas,
Enjoyed BBQ's with the Pyro-Pit and the Fam,
and had my first favorite dinner party ever!
Then -- there was a lot of death.

There was more. Not So Happy.
But there were lots of other really happy things in
the last two years!
Seth and Katie got married!
Grad School!

Stacey's having a baby!
Sister Beck!
Young Women!
Like 1000 blind dates - maybe not really so happy!
Happy Birthday lunches!
Yesterday on Shutter Sisters there was a wonderful post about time passing.
She said that when we say, "This too shall pass" we always think of the bad things.
But the truth is - it all will pass.
The good times with friends, the happy moments with family,
the peaceful seasons with God --
it all passes.
Their question was- what are you doing to pass the time?
And how are you making sure you remember it before it passes?
Interesting isn't it?
These last two years haven't been entirely happy -
but I am so glad that I live in Utah now.
It's wonderful to be close to family and friends here.
I love living close to the Headquarters of the Church --
getting to go to Conference and special events like
President Hinckley's Funeral.
(He died too in the last two years.)

I'm so grateful that Brigham Young brought the Saints out here and that they followed him!
Leaving Nauvoo couldn't have been easy.
But they did it.
And so did I.
And I really am So Happy.
Wow. Great blog. Some pix I've never seen - and that rhino looks like he's going to come right out of the truck and get you - great pic of Ryn and Wes at the game! Four siblings together unloading the truck. Quite the memory lane you took us down today - all great pioneer people. thoughtful, so thoughtful. Just want to sit and think and review those pix over and over. The one of the flowers of Seattle - gorgeous! Beautiful thoughts. Pioneer day - a time to remember the past.
Oh Amy...I can't say it enough - your blog makes me happy. :) You are so positive and you radiate. I love it. Thanks for this post. I need to send everyone over here...because I think everyone needs to be reminded of these things.
I just have to say that I think you do a wonderful job at "remembering" all of the times you have in this life.
That may have been the greatest post ever! I'm not lying one bit. It almost made me cry. I can’t wait to live in Utah with you! I am going to be helping my sister paint her place when we move down and I want to help you too! That would be so fun. Lets chat about it!
Aw, I LOVE Utah, too!!!! This post made me so happy! It's awesome!
Amy, you are totally amazing. You have had some serious trials in your life, and yet I can think of very few people who are as thankful and positive as you! You are incredible. And so funny. Who else would say, "And a lot of death...oh yeah but not me." Only you, my dear. So delightfully witty.
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