Remember how I knew I'd get a miracle even when I wasn't sure how the miracle would come?
Once upon a time, I needed a car. I wanted a car that had 4 doors and a sunroof. And I only had $5500 to spend.
So I gave my list to Heavenly Father and you know what? I got EXACTLY what I prayed for.
My former roommate, Katesta, reminded me of this when she used our praying experience from the yellow/red brick house move to help her find a new apartment. We had some very specific criteria for the new place we were moving all those years ago. There were 5 of us and we wanted to all room together. We wanted to pay less rent, live closer to campus and stay in our same ward.
And you know what? We got EXACTLY what we prayed for.
So. I tried it again. And I was RIGHT! I got my miracle.
And boy am I glad! I started my new job today! And it is WONDERFUL!!!!
My favorite scripture - well you know me and favorites - but still My favorite scripture:
"And now behold, Ammon, and Aaron, and Omner, and Himni, and their brethren did rejoice exceedingly, for the success which they had had among the Lamanites, seeing that the Lord had granted unto them according to their prayers, and that he had also verified his word unto them IN EVERY PARTICULAR." (Alma 25:17)
Ammon and his brethren prayed a lot of prayers. But they were answered in every particular.
When we pray specifically and get specific answers, we MUST give thanks to Heavenly Father.
Well, I suppose we don't have to, but if we don't when it is SO easy to give credit where credit is due... not maybe the best choice.
I know that Heavenly Father wants to bless us.
He wants us to know that He loves us.
And that doesn't change even when we haven't yet gotten the blessings we think are best for us.
Like Sister Johnson always said, "Thanks for the next. I'm sure of this." can not be our attitude if we want to give credit where credit is due.
So I say, Thank You for now. Right now today.
It was a glorious first day of work. The hospital where I got a job is three miles from my home, I already knew one of the ladies I work with and she is fantastic, I was offered more money with this job than any of the others I was offered and it's EXACTLY the kind of work I hoped for.
And the way I got this job that was NEVER POSTED?
A miracle.
First, this lovely woman was called to be the General Relief Society President.

Then, she called this lovely woman to work on the General Board.
I love the Relief Society.
Then there was the miracle of our becoming friends.
Then the College of Social Work had a commemorative birthday party for
Sister Spafford (because you're right, Maria) and Sister Jack took me with her to the party.
While at the party, I talked to the Dean of the College of Social Work who knew there would be a job opening at the hospital.
I called about it and two weeks later, I got the job.
The job that really wasn't and certainly wasn't posted.
And that came JUST in the nick of time
It is definitely my job.
It is an absolute miracle.
Congratulations on landing a terrific job! It is a miracle as I see it! You mentioned that you have always been offered every job you have ever applied for, until this summer! How appropriate that the perfect job came along at the perfect time! You had time to help us with Papa in California and go to Dollywood, and visit Susie and your new little niece and even attend all of your Friday morning meetings without missing any work!!! And when everything was finished, your perfect job began! THAT is a total miracle! We have so many in our lives! I continue to count them every day and thank Him to sent them all our way! So happy for you!
I always say it - but I love your blog. I love your optimism, I love how the Spirit radiates from you, I love how you share things that help my testimony grow. You are awesome. I am so, SO happy that you love your job. I too have realized that even though our prayers aren't answered like we want them to be that doesn't mean the Lord isn't infinitely aware of our every need. He just knows us and what's best for OUR life and our progression. Something that is sometimes hard to remember, especially when the trials come. And boy do they come!
But inevitably, the miracles follow. Thanks for this post.
Congratulations - you have a job! It's a miracle. I don't understand the part about Belle Spafford (is that who it is?)since I thought she was dead, but sounds like it all worked out perfectly. Yippee!
God IS a God of miracles. So happy you found a new perfect job!!
How wonderful. I am so happy for you!!
Congrats Amy! That IS wonderful news. Thanks for sharing your "happy" blog with me. Isn't blogging fun?
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