Monday I was disappointed. It's ok. It happens.
But I decided that it's important for me to express my faith before the blessings come.
I mean - I want Heavenly Father to know (if He reads my blog... :)) that I trust Him now. Before a miracle happens.
Not just after I get the blessings.
I believe in miracles. They've happened in my life and in lives of others I know.
So today I made a list of miracles that I can readily bring to memory. I started with scriptural miracles - but quickly moved on to personal miracles and they've just kept coming to memory
all day long.
**Moses parted the Red Sea.
**Moses was found by Pharoh's daughter - of all the women by the river - and what a huge river!
**Crickets and Seagulls.
**Nephi. He built a boat. He shocked his brothers. The Lord made their raw meat sweet. He kept forgiving. Nephi is a miracle.
**Getting UT residency for tuition right in the nick of time.
**Finding $500 after my young woman Ali told me the story of our meeting 15 years ago on a plane when she was 5.
**Calling Carolyn to my presidency before I even had seen her and she was PERFECT.
**Getting a job at the Social Research Institute which paid a huge chunk of my tuition. I saw the flyer for it the day the application was due but I still got the job. Amazing Blessing.
**Becoming friends with the Disneyland Girls.
**Being at the intersection in the right moment to see my young woman need me.
**Being able to go to Europe with Catheryn.
**Meeting Anastasia in Germany.

But I decided that it's important for me to express my faith before the blessings come.
I mean - I want Heavenly Father to know (if He reads my blog... :)) that I trust Him now. Before a miracle happens.
Not just after I get the blessings.
I believe in miracles. They've happened in my life and in lives of others I know.
So today I made a list of miracles that I can readily bring to memory. I started with scriptural miracles - but quickly moved on to personal miracles and they've just kept coming to memory
all day long.
**Moses parted the Red Sea.
**Moses was found by Pharoh's daughter - of all the women by the river - and what a huge river!
**Crickets and Seagulls.
**Nephi. He built a boat. He shocked his brothers. The Lord made their raw meat sweet. He kept forgiving. Nephi is a miracle.
**Getting UT residency for tuition right in the nick of time.

**Calling Carolyn to my presidency before I even had seen her and she was PERFECT.
**Getting a job at the Social Research Institute which paid a huge chunk of my tuition. I saw the flyer for it the day the application was due but I still got the job. Amazing Blessing.
**Becoming friends with the Disneyland Girls.
**Being able to go to Europe with Catheryn.

{That kid is a genius and I'm not kidding or exaggerating!!
He knows his opposites which we were practicing here while he played my favorite exercise game of up and down (which consists of him riding on my leg while I move his like 20 lb body up and down. I can go about 4 times before my leg dies.)}
He knows his opposites which we were practicing here while he played my favorite exercise game of up and down (which consists of him riding on my leg while I move his like 20 lb body up and down. I can go about 4 times before my leg dies.)}
**Finding my condo (on craigslist!) And it didn't sell before I bought it. MIRACLE.

**Being called as YW President on the very day I was going to change to the single's ward.
**Being inspired to do the project for Sister Beck.
**The project worked!
**Running into Sister Beck on Temple Square with all the YW.
**Colleen's family waited long enough to have her FUNeral that I could come during my fall break.
**Going to see Luella after Women's Conference 2006, even though she was already a pumpkin, and that was the last time I saw her. If I wouldn't have gone I wouldn't have seen her the whole time I lived in Salt Lake.
**Linda Johnson came to Temple Square. (Pictures soon to come!)
**Getting called to the BYU Women's Conference Planning Committee.
**The Turkeys. Connecting with them initially. Reconnecting with them recently. Totally worth more than $5000. (So glad Cora made it into the pic with us!)
**Working on the Thursday night shift at the Temple. It was perfect. Those were my people.
**Getting my job at Life Care at Home so I could move to Utah.
**Feeling inspired to move to Utah.
**My money that should've run out in January of 2008 has lasted until now (with a little left still).
**Getting my first job at ManorCare.
**Meeting Hilda.
**Making the connection from Hilda to Jan Conger.
**Getting to do Hilda's (and her family's) Temple Work - and the Burnham's were there for it all!
**Being in the Temple with Elder Scott.
**Getting to introduce Sister Kapp and her husband in Seattle at a conference. To the conference participants - not each other. ;)
**Sister Kapp sitting in front of ELJ and me at the concert two weeks ago.
**Visiting teaching assignment that let me be friends with Maria.
**Maria and I deciding not to move to that FANTASTIC apartment because we didn't know I'd be moving here. Then I moved here.
**Sitting by Elder Wirthlin on the plane on the way home from Ricks College.
**They found Catheryn and Steve.
**Seeing Dolly in the park. What a miracle.
**The Blue Notebook.
**The Antipas recipe.
**My mission president and his wife being here for dinner with ELJ, EJR and their husbands.
**Getting to be in the Solemn Assembly session for President Hinckley and President Monson.
**Picking the very right songs for Stake Conference May 2006. Wow.
**Being in the foyer of the Temple so I could see my friend Sister Chris when she visited Seattle.
**Being called to the Argentina Neuquen Mission.
**Totally embarrassing myself on the phone with President Monson - the miracle is I didn't lose my membership in the church after calling him a liar. Ask me sometime.
**Getting to be with President Hinckley in the Salt Lake Temple for a devotional.
**Being friends with ELJ. Of all the people she knows, I get to be one of her friends. (One that gets to sit at her kitchen counter a lot and eat ice cream and one that calls me when I have blind dates to see if I need rescuing and takes me with her to the symphony - oh how I love her.)
**Being friends with EJR. Of all the people she knows, I get to be one of her friends. (one that she shares jokes with and buys dresses for and watches The Golden Girls with and lets read her manuscripts and plays dominoes with even when it's hard - oh how I love her.)
**I was born! Into my family at the very time I needed to be born.
**Being called as YW President on the very day I was going to change to the single's ward.
**The project worked!
**Running into Sister Beck on Temple Square with all the YW.
**Colleen's family waited long enough to have her FUNeral that I could come during my fall break.
**Going to see Luella after Women's Conference 2006, even though she was already a pumpkin, and that was the last time I saw her. If I wouldn't have gone I wouldn't have seen her the whole time I lived in Salt Lake.
**Linda Johnson came to Temple Square. (Pictures soon to come!)
**Getting called to the BYU Women's Conference Planning Committee.
**The Turkeys. Connecting with them initially. Reconnecting with them recently. Totally worth more than $5000. (So glad Cora made it into the pic with us!)
**Getting my job at Life Care at Home so I could move to Utah.
**Feeling inspired to move to Utah.
**My money that should've run out in January of 2008 has lasted until now (with a little left still).
**Getting my first job at ManorCare.
**Meeting Hilda.
**Getting to do Hilda's (and her family's) Temple Work - and the Burnham's were there for it all!
**Being in the Temple with Elder Scott.
**Getting to introduce Sister Kapp and her husband in Seattle at a conference. To the conference participants - not each other. ;)
**Visiting teaching assignment that let me be friends with Maria.
**Sitting by Elder Wirthlin on the plane on the way home from Ricks College.
**They found Catheryn and Steve.
**The Antipas recipe.
**My mission president and his wife being here for dinner with ELJ, EJR and their husbands.
**Picking the very right songs for Stake Conference May 2006. Wow.
**Being in the foyer of the Temple so I could see my friend Sister Chris when she visited Seattle.
**Being called to the Argentina Neuquen Mission.

**Getting to be with President Hinckley in the Salt Lake Temple for a devotional.
**Being friends with ELJ. Of all the people she knows, I get to be one of her friends. (One that gets to sit at her kitchen counter a lot and eat ice cream and one that calls me when I have blind dates to see if I need rescuing and takes me with her to the symphony - oh how I love her.)

**I was born into a family that embraces and lives the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ!

**Just deciding to send my resume to Caresource even though there were no job openings.
**Passing the Social Work Licensure Exam.
My dad always says, "The Lord loves a coincidence."
I think it's true because you can choose to see His hand in all things or not. He never forces. So I want to be a part of the righteous generation - not seeking a sign like the wicked generation - but seeing the signs of His Love everywhere.
I doubt not the Lord nor His goodness.
I've proved Him in days that are past.
I've proved Him in days that are past.
So while waiting, I will not doubt. I will be patient. I will be hopeful and I will live my belief that if I have to wait until eternity for some blessings, the blessing of the Atonement is enough until then. More than enough. And the amazing thing is - that's not the only blessing He has given me. See above list for proof.
What miracles are you most grateful for?
What miracles are you most grateful for?
Past, Present and the Promise of Future Blessings make me,
So Happy.
So Happy.
You are awesome
Thanks little wonderful Stacey. I love you, too.
Oh Amy - how I love you! I really wish we could go to Cafe Rio for lunch tomorrow. That would be really, really fun. And just chat and LAUGH and have fun. I think we need to talk on the phone sometime. For real. Except I don't have your phone number. I miss you.
Amy, thank you for posting all of these miracles. I read EACH one and I feel more calm and peaceful. Thank you for your example of patience.
So fun to read your miracles - some of them "our" miracles, too. You truly have been blessed, truly you are a blessed woman of God. We have personally had so many miracles this last week - so many blessings. Most of them relating to you, tho! Altho, I think it was a total miracle "or coincidence" that Uncle Bill, Aunt Ilene and Marilyn called me and came to visit ON Catheryn's birthday last week. It was a miracle that Papa's surgery went well and he is recovering nicely. It was a miracle that Gma. Marcy said goodbye when she tried to leave to go to the hospital to see Papa yesterday, so that Dad could hear her and know to take control there! It is a miracle that our lives are preserved each and every day. I pray for my kids to all be protected everyday, that they will answer their phones whenever I call, so that I know they are safe and happy, that Stacey will have her baby without any problem, that all will work out for all of our kids all the time! How I love the Lord and the blessings that Heavenly Father gives to our family! He is so good to us! I love you Amy Girl!
Amy- you're so amazing. That was such a nice, uplifting post to read. I too have started listing the miracles that I see in my life and the lives of my family. (You know- like Pres Eyring challenged us to do forever ago in his conf talk). When you really start looking you realize that God is in the details. He's involved in every facet of our lives. Thanks for helping us all remember.
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