What a fantastic day! Yesterday, the Toolson's came to see me!
Bishop and Sister Toolson were in my ward as soon as I moved to Seattle and I loved them immediately!
It was so fun to get together and reminisce. I was surprised at how many of my Seattle memories include the Toolsons.
Remember Mike Snow humming Hotel California? (Maria - I know you're doing it right now. :)) Sabrina picking up that last piece of torn paper bag off the floor with her teeth? The Bishop laying on the floor playing whatever game that was just cracking up and making us all laugh so hard! Remember their driveway? :)
I remember too so many things that they taught us. They never have had a fight.
Remember how much Bishop Toolson loved the Bible and his mother and Sister Toolson and us??? Remember the story about her wedding ring?
Remember all the yummy treats and how loved you felt when you were at their house?
What are your favorite Toolson memories?
Aren't we blessed when good people choose to serve the Lord?
Being with them tonight, and the blessing of their friendship always, makes me So Happy.
Being with them tonight, and the blessing of their friendship always, makes me So Happy.
I LOVE the Toolsons! Thats so great that you got to see them! If you see them again be sure to tell them I said hi. Have you ever seen Bishop Nelson and his wife, I think they live in UT.
hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmm hmmmmmmmmmm. Just like a tick on a duck's back... or something like that.
ahh, good times.
Hey, there's a new stake RS presidency. The Sanborns are moving to the eastside! I had no idea. No wonder she was beaming at the temple that morning. I really like Sue, I'm gonna miss her. Cecil McCann is the new pres, and Bret Ashlee Watson is one of the counselors.
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