Did you ever have 4 of the best girlfriends in the world? If you did, then you would know what it's like to come home from work and have this lovely package on your doorstep!
I'll give you a play by play.

"I've got a golden (ok silver) ticket! It's ours Charlie!"

The Turkeys are my dear, dear, dear friends from high school. I was so lucky to move to Illinois in my junior year because that's where I met the Turkeys. It still strikes me as funny that we named ourselves - but we sure did and it sure stuck! (I actually don't totally remember how that came to be...
except the vague, general concept.)

I have so many great Turkey memories. Lots of Allerton, jumping and shaking our booties, Madrigals (in fact, Christmastime sure brings back lots of memories from all those songs)
especially The Holly and the Ivy among others. Also, "Sailors", WKRP, "Subway Capitol Hill", Wuscious Wee, Hubway, Carrie-Calls, "SLIPPERS", $5000, American Music, "Hero", putting on lipstick, sheets as towels, duck slippers and oh so many more. We laughed and cried, fought, made cupa-cupa-cupa, went to prom together, graduated and laughed and cried some more before we went away to college.

We lost touch for a while and then found each other again. But,
in the meantime, they were there for me during really sad times. Miraculously, even after all this time, it's like no time at all has passed. We're close as always even despite the almost 3000 miles that separate us.

(The fantastic cupcake people actually sprinkled some extra sprinkles on top of the plastic that covered the cupcakes!
So thoughtful! So yummy!)

We live all over the country and the other 4 are all married with 2 (well almost 2) kids each.
I'm so proud of the wonderful wives and mothers they are -- of the contributions they're making in their communities.
They are truly beautiful people.
And they're my Turkeys.

(There were instructions to let the cupcakes sit at room temperature for 4 HOURS before eating them so you can bet I'll be setting my alarm to get out of bed at about 11 tonight to have a little snacky-snack!)

(That's a sweet potato cupcake! So Cool!)
So, not only did I get a fantastic super great job, I got a dozen cupcakes and reminded that I have the best friends in the world.

What's the nicest gift you've ever been given?
How appropriate that in November - well and since I was 16 - the Turkeys make me Soooooo Happy.
Yummy, what a nice thoughtful gift...congrats on the new job!
Amy, i think you should share one of those!! :) haha JK. They do look scrumptious!! :)
mmm, cupcakes. What an awesome thing to come home to.
Amy, I've finally found your blog address (yes, you sent it out a long time ago, but that was before I understood what a blog was), and I've checked it out. It's wonderful! Your Turkey friends sound like a delightful group of girls. What a kind and thoughtful thing for them to do.
WOW, those look so good. When a kid has a birthday at school and bring treats for the class, they always have extra cupcakes...that makes my day.
The Turkeys are awesome! Thank you each for being so wonderful to Amy! Yummmmmmmmmm, Cupcakes! Soooooooooooooo nice of you!
Umm, wow, great friends, yummy cupcakes! Amy, your blog cracks me up, I can totally hear you saying all of it! Where did you get a job? Sonja
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