Happy, Happy Birthday (although a little belated on Sept 29th) Sister Beck, Dear!
Happy days will come to you all year!
If I had a wish, then it would be,
A Happy, Happy Birthday to you from me!
You may have notice that I love Sister Beck. And lists.
So here's a list of some of my favorite Sister Beck quotes!
"It is time for Relief Society to fulfill its purpose as never before."

"Just as the Savior invited Mary and Martha of New Testament times to participate in His work, women of this dispensation have an official commission to participate in the Lord’s work."

"We know through the Prophet Joseph Smith that Relief Society was a formal part of the Restoration and that a similar organization for women existed in the Church anciently. (awesome!!!) The Prophet Joseph taught that Relief Society was “divinely made, divinely authorized, divinely instituted, divinely ordained of God,” “according to the law of heaven” to help the Lord “bring to pass the . . . eternal life of man.”

"The purpose of Relief Society as established by the Lord, is to organize, teach, and inspire His daughters to prepare them for the blessings of eternal life."

"Early pioneer women were driven from homes and persecuted because of their faith. Others survived fires and floods. They crossed oceans and walked thousands of miles, tolerating dirt, illness, and near starvation to help build the Lord’s kingdom on the earth. Many of them buried husbands, children, parents, and siblings along the way. Why did they do this? They did it because the fire of their faith burned in their souls. These remarkable women were not seeking fine clothing, greater leisure, large earthly mansions, or more possessions. Like you, they had a conviction and a testimony that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ was true and that the Lord needed them to do their part in establishing His kingdom on the earth. Their pursuit of personal righteousness was a daily effort to become more like the Savior through repentance, scripture study, prayer, obedience to commandments, and through seeking after everything “virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy.”

"...whether we are married or single, old or young, we have a duty to defend and practice the truths found in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.”

"Children being born now are growing up in an increasingly sinful world. Our homes are to be their refuge from the daily encounters they have with evil. Relief Society should be organized, aligned, and mobilized to strengthen families and help our homes to be sacred sanctuaries from the world."

“If I never come back, if you never see me again, if I’m never able to teach you another thing, you tie yourself to Relief Society. Relief Society will be your mother.”

"When we serve in another auxiliary we are not released from the sisterhood of Relief Society. Because we do not go in or out of Relief Society, we are always connected to the purpose and responsibilities of Relief Society and are blessed by all opportunities to be examples and faith-filled shepherds to our Father’s children."

"Without personal revelation, we cannot succeed. If we heed personal revelation, we cannot fail."

A Happy, Happy Birthday to you from me!
You may have notice that I love Sister Beck. And lists.
So here's a list of some of my favorite Sister Beck quotes!
"It is time for Relief Society to fulfill its purpose as never before."

"Just as the Savior invited Mary and Martha of New Testament times to participate in His work, women of this dispensation have an official commission to participate in the Lord’s work."

"We know through the Prophet Joseph Smith that Relief Society was a formal part of the Restoration and that a similar organization for women existed in the Church anciently. (awesome!!!) The Prophet Joseph taught that Relief Society was “divinely made, divinely authorized, divinely instituted, divinely ordained of God,” “according to the law of heaven” to help the Lord “bring to pass the . . . eternal life of man.”

"The purpose of Relief Society as established by the Lord, is to organize, teach, and inspire His daughters to prepare them for the blessings of eternal life."

"Early pioneer women were driven from homes and persecuted because of their faith. Others survived fires and floods. They crossed oceans and walked thousands of miles, tolerating dirt, illness, and near starvation to help build the Lord’s kingdom on the earth. Many of them buried husbands, children, parents, and siblings along the way. Why did they do this? They did it because the fire of their faith burned in their souls. These remarkable women were not seeking fine clothing, greater leisure, large earthly mansions, or more possessions. Like you, they had a conviction and a testimony that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ was true and that the Lord needed them to do their part in establishing His kingdom on the earth. Their pursuit of personal righteousness was a daily effort to become more like the Savior through repentance, scripture study, prayer, obedience to commandments, and through seeking after everything “virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy.”

"...whether we are married or single, old or young, we have a duty to defend and practice the truths found in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.”
"Children being born now are growing up in an increasingly sinful world. Our homes are to be their refuge from the daily encounters they have with evil. Relief Society should be organized, aligned, and mobilized to strengthen families and help our homes to be sacred sanctuaries from the world."

“If I never come back, if you never see me again, if I’m never able to teach you another thing, you tie yourself to Relief Society. Relief Society will be your mother.”

"When we serve in another auxiliary we are not released from the sisterhood of Relief Society. Because we do not go in or out of Relief Society, we are always connected to the purpose and responsibilities of Relief Society and are blessed by all opportunities to be examples and faith-filled shepherds to our Father’s children."

"Without personal revelation, we cannot succeed. If we heed personal revelation, we cannot fail."

"It was prophesied that in the latter days the Lord would pour out His Spirit upon His handmaids. This will happen as we allow ourselves to be still enough and quiet enough to listen to the voice of the Spirit... Most of all, revelation requires us to have a sufficient degree of personal righteousness, so that on occasion revelation may come to the righteous, unsolicited."
"The real power in this great worldwide sisterhood lies within each woman. Though we may see ourselves as weak and simple, we all share a noble heritage and can develop a faith that is equal to that of remarkable, faithful women who have gone before us."
"We have a vital role to play in helping build the kingdom of God and preparing for the Lord’s coming. In fact, the Lord cannot accomplish His work without the help of His daughters. Because of that, the Lord expects us to increase our offering. He expects us to fulfill the purpose of Relief Society as never before."
Wow. All that just from her talk last Saturday
(about which there is so much happiness to blog!!!).
There are so many great Sister Beck quotes, I may have to add a favorite daily quote box!
She is remarkable.
I could go on and on about how grateful I am that she is our leader at this time.
She has refocused us away from ourselves and onto the Lord where we can find
Ultimate Hope and Purpose and Joy.
She is leading us FULL-SPEED-AHEAD to ready ourselves and the world for the Savior to come again and I am thrilled to walk in step with her to do whatever I can to strengthen my little corner of the fort.
Aren't We Blessed?!
Last night at a book club I attended, one of the girls started talking about the controversy from last year over Sister Beck's talk. All 10 of us (single girls without children) couldn't understand why or how anyone could take offense at her loving words. We each and all fully support her. Then, now and always.

Sister Beck certainly has shown that she is equal to the task of the season in which she finds herself serving.
I know the Lord is her strength and we can add strength by supporting her and praying for her.
So today, let's celebrate her. Happy Birthday Sister Beck.
Sister Beck makes me SO Happy!
What an awesome blog today!!! I love it! The pictures are terrific! Especially the ones with you in them too! I love you and love that you love Relief Society and always have! No wonder you didn't ever go to Nursery - you wanted to be in Relief Society! I should have known you were destined to be a Relief Society Lady!!
I too love Sis Beck! It's funny- all those quotes you mentioned are all the high-impact moments of her talk that I have noted in my journal. I always feel very empowered when she speaks. I'm not quite sure I ever really got the controversy.
Happy Birthday, Sister Beck! I loved her talk at Women's Conference. Especially the quote you included from her mother about the Relief Society. Yay for her and for you and your fun and thankful blog! Love you!
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