September 29, 2008

Sneakin' Around With You

A year ago today my friend Colleen made her return appearance in Heaven.

I'm sure that she did not sneak in but that her arrival was
greatly anticipated.
Her FUNeral was like 3 hours long.

These were some of the flowers Maria and I got for the FUNeral.
We knew she'd love flowers coming out of a pumpkin.
Then we found that box that actually SAID Colleen.
It was a sign.
So today I just want to use my Colleen language and record all the fun things we used to do and say. Maria and my mom will probably understand most of it - well some anyway - the rest of you can think about wonderful inside jokes that make you smile when only the two of you understand.

Colleen memories:
Harold andMaude, Arthur Arthur, The Best Little *House in Texas.
"My brother named..."
Phil (actually Rich), Kirk (actually Rick)
Straight Hand Across, Jen
We can be a bus!
The purple afghan.
Our accident on the way to Phyllis's dad's funeral after we had a prayer.
Hot fudge sundaes.
The Turtle.
Cool Pleasures.

(Sorry it's not right way up)
Heart Attack Window Decor.
Katherine Weeks Genes/Jeans. I still have them.
"Pop Up!" (Bonnie Parkin).
Sister Parkin's silver umbrella pin.
Hurricane Ridge.
Our bracelets.
More precious than rubies conference.
Celebrating New Years at Jack in the Box and watching the fireworks from the middle of Hwy 99. I had our celebration paper in my car for years. It may still be in there actually.
The little purple thing. My little purple thing was black.

Valentine's surprise for KW.
The wild thing monkey.
The enormous monkey for KW when she was sick.
KUU (KW) license plates.
The wet wedding dress story.
We don't ask how, we just ask why.
Treasures of Truth book (ok these are a lot of KW memories too but they so go together)
Tar-jet, Tarzhay, Target. Same store, three different locations.
How she'd always brew the coffee in the hotel room.
Matches in her make-up bag.
"Paradise View"
Going to the symphony for Christmas.
Lip plumper.
The secret way to go to the Temple off of 2nd Ave and 99.
The Contra-alto man singing Handel's Messiah. Wow.
The money tree.
Putting one rose bud in water in a bowl from the Stake kitchen for the reception.
Women at the Well.
The Seattle Temple at like 4 in the morning.

Sister Lily.
Loving the Seattle Temple all the time.
Just heading right up to the room instead of going to the Chapel. Don't worry - we're on time.
Praying to get to the Temple on time. You pray, I'll drive. We made it.
Salon Excellence.

Krispy Kremes - "That'll be $8.57 for your two donuts and chocolate milk please."
Eating lunch in the triangle.
Blu Water and S'mores.
Blu Water with the Croshaws.
Time Outs.
"Day-oh. One day sale one day sale one day sale. Friday only at the Bon Marche." (sung to the tune of Day-o) One day sales- all the time.
When she got stuck right in the path of the naked bike Fremont parade.

Clip on the eyebrow.
Life is Real.
The Bug Stik.
Green Cake.
Thai One On.
Moon something - in Richmond Beach - so yummy!

First favorite everything.
First Favorite Fred Meyers.
Buying a table turkey for her brother named John when he was attached to an IV.
I'm not a real person.
Hair colors changing - on all of us.
Going to see Ed and how he'd shrug up his shoulders when he laughed and how much he loved her. And how much they had decorated their apartment on every square inch for whatever holiday it was.
Sneaking Around With You...
Science Project Hair.
Me falling asleep on the couch ... "Sarah Brown is my..."
Ben and Jerry.
Lunches at China First.
Carl and George at Aldercrest.
Bedroom Makeover with Tanni.
Eating at the Space Needle with Mom and Lacey.
Yes - we'll take the bottle of Martinelli's for $15.
Ice chips in the ER for me.
Olpin Enjoyment Weekend.

Getting invited to dinner and then just going to Zoopas on Sunday.
The Sundance House.
Gregory Ann.
Septmeber Grass.
The Scary Closet.
Kitchen Dick Road.
Dungeness Spit.
Road Trips.
Christmas downtown -- The Figgy Pudding Contest.
Resting at the Bon Marche.
My birthday party on the patio with the turtle tablecloth and the flip flop key chain.
Riding in the back of a police car - no air bags. - no ticket.
Like 45 police behind us on the bridge after the accident.
Non-verbal communication.
Old Navy - those pajama pants. (Hey I'm wearing them right now!)
You Pick- We Pick.
50th Surprise Birthday Party - "Ok everyone come out of the kitchen!"
Tacky Postcards.
El Gaucho - YUM!
Ivan. Marjorie.

Going to Leavenworth to get her the music box to replace the one that she had gotten in Europe and brought home and showed her roommate and the roommate thought she bought it for her so the roommate took it and thanked Colleen for it!
Chocolate Pudding. Or tapioca for KW but you have to eat it our special way.
Jennie Folan and the greeting card placemats.
Let's go to the Outback cuz you always know what you're gonna get.
Marathon Saturdays.
Her first favorite daughter that she never had.

So many more...
And so many more pics too - I'll have to scan them in though because a lot of our documentation happened before digital cameras.

The day Colleen got sick, she was actually moving down to Utah.
I was so excited for her to come and live close to me.
Her heart was the biggest heart I have ever encountered.
At her FUNeral there were so many people to whom Colleen had been their best (and maybe only) friend.
I miss her -- I can't wait to see her again.

Thinking about Colleen and being so grateful for our memories makes me SO Happy.


LynnEl Springer said...

I'll have another bottle of Martinelli's Please! She's so awesome! I'm so glad you had such fun. I laughed at so many of your memories! I'm so glad I got to meet her and be with her for a little bit. I'm so happy for all the wonderful friends you have. I know you made such a difference in her life - being the first daughter that she never had. You are the first daughter that many have never had!! So happy for you - so sad you are missing her today.

supercalla said...

The Scary Closet.

Oh I remember being introduced to it. I can only imagine the party that she is preparing for us. Those video clips were the greatest. Make sure you got those backed up some where.

- T

Anonymous said...

I miss Colleen.
I was cracking up reading the list. One word is all it takes - Kirk.
Or two - cool pleasures.
Come on, the picture where she's fixing her mom's hair is priceless.
Remember how those slurpees were so incredibly sickeningly sweet she could barely stand it. Hers was mango explosion or something. But she was so nice about it and just said thanks for getting them.

She needs to be here in the 5th ward.

Anonymous said...

a box that said Colleen. Are you kidding me?
I'm calling you right now.

LynnEl Springer said...

Did you remember Post-It Notes - or those little colored post-it stickers?? She always had those with Ivan too! I remember that because I had some and you were so happy that I was just like Colleen!! I love hearing her voice in the videos you posted! She's a hoot! I can't believe she's gone. Amazing. She was so young too. :( Sad.

Amy said...

Hahaha! Mom - those post-it notes were called "non-verbal communication." So funny. Remember Colleen? I miss her so much today.