September 22, 2008

Better Get to Livin'

After my close call with certain death from the tornado that I barely scraped by...I continued my journey across Nebraska.
It was long.

I finally made it to Iowa!
But not before stopping at Winter Quarters.
This is a wonderful memorial to the Saints that lived and died in this area.
They built a city here, after slogging through the Iowa mud, and so many, many died here.
In just one winter (1846-7) more than 600 people were buried in the cemetery at Winter Quarters.

The Temple here is absolutely gorgeous.

There is nary a Visitors Center where I don't see someone I know!
The tradition was not broken during this visit! I walked in and said, "Well, Marian Osborne! What are you doing here?" And there she was! She lives right here in SLC in my same condo complex and is in my ward! She was so happy to see me because she is the birthday-card-giver-extraordinaire and she was worried she would miss my birthday because she hadn't sent my card off before she left with her sisters for their trip to Nauvoo!
So -- she walked out to the car and got my card!

After they left, I started talking with the missionary who was going to take me on the tour of the center and I showed her the card Sister Osborne gave me. When she saw my last name was Springer she said, "Do you know Seth?" and of course I do! It turned out she was his good friend! (So, don't tell, but I called him real quick and they got to talk for a minute!)

It was a wonderful visit to Winter Quarters! I really didn't understand what an important place this is in Church History. The Temple there is absolutely beautiful and the pioneer cemetery - breathtaking. (Remember that Seinfeld? I always think of that when someone says breathtaking.
You know you did too Maria. You.)

(Mormon Cemetery... 1846-7, 1863... It is estimated that 600 immigrants were buried here)

On the ground in front of this statue it reads,
"Gird up your loins, Fresh courage take,
Our God will never us forsake."

This little grave stone says Amy P. Poor little Amy!
I wish I knew your story!

I love that the cemetery is right there next to the Temple.
A perfect, beautiful, peaceful message.

There's my wagon I drove across the plains. The statue in the background is headed west. Recognizing the great sacrifice of the pioneers was overwhelming.
During the tour of the visitors center, Sister Henson told our little group that there was a tradition among the pioneers.
Whenever one person started singing "Come, Come Ye Saints" all the other pioneers would join them. She said there was hardly a time they weren't singing.
Then she started singing and we joined her.
Well - I tried to through my tears.

Feeling the spirit of this great place made me, So Happy.


Fig said...

What a gorgeous place. Beautiful pictures, beautiful words . . . beautiful song! That's one of my favorite hymns.

The missionary couples who work at visitors' centers at Church history sites are my favorite of all the missionaries (perhaps because my grandparents served in Nauvoo and loved it so, so much).

Patti said...

Tissue alert, Amy! Goodness! Wonderful pictures. Endless sacrifice from those brave souls who walked so far to realize religious freedom. Sometimes we take our blessings and our easy life for granted.

Meeker home said...

Of course you knew someone. How is it even possible for one person to know so many people??

Great pictures. I will definitely have to make a visit someday.

LynnEl Springer said...

LOVE Erin's comment! She's always so cute! And it sure it taking you a l ---- o ---- n ---- g time to get to Illinois - and then even to Tennessee!!!! You have a lot more to go! Can't wait to see more. Dad and I should go to Winter Quarters sometime. He's probably been there - but I haven't! I'm glad you went!

Bekah said...

I hate to sound redundant but I love your blog. I can't believe you can leave your state and still see people you know. I love the pictures and descriptions. You have a unique perspective. I am definately adding Winter Quarters to the list of places I want to visit. I have never been further east than Wyoming.
Nice flower pictures too. I love lots of pictures.
Thanks for sharing. Love you.

Megan said...

What an incredible place! I want to visit! I LOVE your pictures too. You are so talented and so thankful and wonderful and faithful and I am so glad to be your friend.

yoyis said...

WOW!!! I love reading your blog!! I want to go to Nauvoo so bad! It's really neat to see the world through your eyes, you have such a nice way to express your feelings that makes me feel I've been there. Thanks for sharing!!