Last Saturday was filled with my favorite women!
And at least one miracle occurred!
And at least one miracle occurred!
My dear, dear friend, Linda Johnson, came to Salt Lake City!

She and 4 of her friends from Seattle came down to Wendover and then took a little roadtrip so they could visit Temple Square!
So So Happy!!! All-Week-Long-Waiting-For-Them-To-Come-Happy!
She is one of the kindest, sweetest, most faithful and thoughtful people I have ever known.
I miss walking around Green Lake with her!

I have lots of angels in my home that remind me of her.
Last Saturday we got together on Temple Square and unfortunately, because of Relief Society Conference, the Conference Center and the RS building were closed. But we spent time looking at the Temple, walking around the gorgeous grounds, touring the Joseph Smith Building where we ate Fried Pickles! (they are so good!),

It was absolutely blissful.
I love talking about the Church.
I love thinking about the Gospel and explaining how perfect it is.
I love talking to other people about their beliefs and connecting on common ground.
I love the Gospel.
I love the Church!
I love looking at the statues of Joseph and Hyrum and thinking of all they sacrificed for us.
I love thinking about the blessings that I have in my life because of their lives.
I love looking at the statues of John the Baptist and Peter, James and John and knowing that they really did return to the earth and restore the Priesthood.
I love looking at the Temple.
I loved talking about the Angel Moroni and explaining that Moroni was a man who had a father named Mormon. Mormon reviewed the records kept by all the ancient prophets and gave us the "Readers Digest version" known as the Book of Mormon.
How fantastic!
How perfect!
My happiness didn't end there last Saturday!
It was the Relief Society Meeting!
This is my best effort at a pic of Sister Beck, Sister Allred and Sister Dalton!)
Oh that day is so happy for me
(as previously noted in the Sister Beck post).
But this time it was happy too because of all the
friends that came with me!
I think Baley deserves her own post because
she is so incredibly happy!
My friends Katesta, Karen and Charlene also came to
Relief Society Conference.
We were like 4 rows from the front!
(Well, from the front section that's all cordoned off for the VIP's.)
So, it was a miracle that Linda Johnson came to Temple Square.
And it was a miracle that we got to be so close at the RS Meeting.
So close that I got to talk to Sister Beck before the meeting and give her her birthday card. :)
Don't you just love favorite people?
Then... I learned a good lesson.
When you go to the parking garage and you're on the BYU Women's Conference Committee maybe don't act like Marilyn Monroe in front of the GINORMOUS fan.

Because someone else on the committee is sure to see you.
But Baley is adorable!
Oh well -
everyone got a good laugh at committee meeting last Friday.
Linda Johnson, Temple Square, Baley and Relief Society Conference make me OH SO Happy!
I loved the General RS meeting too! Isn't conference wonderful! And your jacket - I think I've tried that on a before - Ann Taylor Loft?? Seeing it on you makes me sad I didn't get it. You look great!
That's so awesome!!! I'm so glad you got to go and had such a great time-I'm sad I wasn't able to come, too!! Next year I'll have to come for sure!!! I love the pics of you being Marilyn Monroe-It looks like you're having such a good time!!! You're awesome! Love you!
Totally loved General RS Conference! And General Conference! And being able to go with you to the SLC Temple when I was there about a month ago! And so happy I got to see Baley when I was there a month ago too - and got to see all my girls, including daughters-in-law! Love it! So happy you got to share your corner of the world and some of the gospel with Linda Johnson. Oh, she's so cute!
Thanks for all your posts. The one from last week about all your blessings was really great for me to read--we are indeed blessed.
So fun! Thats awesome that you got to take them on a tour! I miss greenlake too!
Great Photos Amy and I hope you are doing well.
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