I love that we got to listen to the Prophet of the Lord speak this last weekend.
What a miracle!
So much of it felt absolutely directed to me and I am still grateful.
What a miracle!
So much of it felt absolutely directed to me and I am still grateful.
In fact, I can always hardly wait!
I was so happy that Seth and Katie came to share the last session with me and they were perfectly obedient to my no talking rules! Love them!
Then we headed to Temple Square to document the loveliness that is that block.
I can't believe it's going to be all lit up so soon for Christmastime!
I was so thrilled. I cried and cried in my car.
And Rome! How fun was it to hear everyone's reaction to that!?!
My favorite talk was Elder Cook, President Uchtdorf, Elder Wirthlin, Elder Holland, Elder Bednar, Sister Dalton, President Monson, President Packer, Elder Andersen,
and President Eyring.
I'll have to look at my notes to see if I had other favorites too.
Ok - Elder Ballard, Elder Nelson, Elder Hales, and Elder Oaks.
I love that for 8 hours (really 10 counting RS Conference) we get to listen to wonderfully inspired leaders tell us what Heavenly Father wants us to hear.
And what beautiful, beautiful messages He sent us.
And what beautiful, beautiful messages He sent us.
Some of my favorite quotes...
"Hope you know, we had a hard time." Elder Cook
"Faith is not a feeling, it's a decision." Elder Andersen
"No room in the inn was not a singular expression of rejection,
just the first." President Monson
"I leave you the Lord's promise that you will have the righteous desires of your heart." President Eyring
"Those who refuse to read the Book of Mormon are like spoiled children who refuse to eat a meal lovingly prepared for them." Elder Aidukaitis
"Prelude is not a time for conversation." Elder Oaks
"Hope is one leg of a three legged stool which stabilizes our life regardless of rough or unstable circumstances." Elder Uchtdorf
"Hope is one leg of a three legged stool which stabilizes our life regardless of rough or unstable circumstances." Elder Uchtdorf
"We have enormous spiritual reservoirs available to us. Be not afraid -- only believe." Elder Andersen
"The scriptures are written to bring us hope!" Elder Uchtdorf
"Come what may and love it!" Elder Wirthlin
"The scriptures are written to bring us hope!" Elder Uchtdorf
"Darkness, afraid, river, alone." Elder Holland
"The brighter our hope, the greater our faith. The stronger our hope, the purer our charity." Elder Uchtdorf
"Almighty God being my Helper they cannot come here!"
President Packer (quoting Brigham Young)
"Remember the Lord has said He would fight our battles."
Elder Holland
"Meaningful morning prayer proceeds the temporal creation of every day." Elder Bednar
"The next time you're tempted to groan you might laugh instead." Elder Wirthlin
"Let us once and for all establish our residence in Zion and give up our summer residence in Babylon." Elder Christofferson (quoting Elder Maxwell)
Lots of People
"We would all do well not to speak of [the Savior] as though He were the friend next door. He is the Firstborn of the Father." Bishop McMullin
"Jesus will make everything alright. When Jesus comes I will be able to hear and you will get your legs." Elder Andersen
"Angels are sent as emissaries to convey love. The scriptures are filled with accounts of angels. Seen or unseen they are always near." Elder Holland
"The Holy Ghost is the witness of and the messenger for the Father and the Son." Elder Bednar
"Don't be consumers of vice but guardians of virtue." Sister Dalton
"Angels are sent as emissaries to convey love. The scriptures are filled with accounts of angels. Seen or unseen they are always near." Elder Holland
"Don't be consumers of vice but guardians of virtue." Sister Dalton
"The Lord will let you feel His appreciation from stepping away from the possibility of sowing the seeds of disunity."
President Eyring
"You be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone." Sister Dalton (quoting President Monson)
President Eyring
"You be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone." Sister Dalton (quoting President Monson)
"We may hope and be assured that the ending of the book of our lives will be grander than we could have imagined." Elder Uchtdorf
"The dial on the wheel of sorrow eventually points to all of us. Learning to endure is part of our on the job training." Elder Wirthlin
"God never leaves us alone, never leaves us unaided in the challenges we face, Nor Will He Ever." Elder Holland
"The dial on the wheel of sorrow eventually points to all of us. Learning to endure is part of our on the job training." Elder Wirthlin
"God never leaves us alone, never leaves us unaided in the challenges we face, Nor Will He Ever." Elder Holland
"There must be opposition in all things." Almost Everyone.
"The will to win means almost nothing without the will to prepare." Sister Dalton
"The will to win means almost nothing without the will to prepare." Sister Dalton
"Understand the principle of compensation. While it may not come at a time we desire, the faithful today know that every tear will be returned a hundredfold." Elder Wirthlin
"We must carry on the devoted, committed tradition of the people who built this church." Elder Ballard
"You pile up enough tomorrows and you'll find you've got a lot of empty yesterdays." President Monson
"Each marriage starts with two built in handicaps - two imperfect mortals." Elder Nelson
"In troubled times the Lord has always prepared a safe way ahead." President Packer
"Heavenly Father's great Plan of Happiness allows family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave." Elder Nelson
(Aren't Seth and Katie so cute?!?)
"Heavenly Father's great Plan of Happiness allows family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave." Elder Nelson
"Let us relish life as we live it... Do human beings ever realize life as they live it -- every, every minute?" President Monson
"Make pleasant memories for the future." President Monson
"Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." President Monson
"Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." President Monson

"Harmony in marriage only comes when one esteems the welfare of the spouse as the highest priority." Elder Nelson
"Then, with emotions in my heart, I closed the door and faced an unknown future." Elder Cook (quoting Bathsheba Smith)
"Sometimes the things that are best for us which bring eternal rewards are most bitter."
Elder Cook (quoting President Harold B. Lee)
"Heaven never seems closer than when we see the love of God manifested in people so good and so pure that angelic is the only word that fits appropriately." Elder Holland
My take home messages?
Heavenly Father loves His children. He does know we're having a hard time. He wants us to be happy. We must invite Him into our lives so He can be involved in all the details. He has already provided the way for us to have hope. Let's be united, kind and courageous and find our training programs from the scriptures. Let's be reverent when we should be and never forget how much Heavenly Father loves us - especially when things are hard.
I really love Him.
General Conference, New Temples, The Gospel and being with family make me SO HAPPY!
That blog entry is so beautiful! I love all the quotes, many of which I also wrote down! And it's so fun to remember exactly what was said just by hearing a sentence that they said! Your pictures are beautiful, okay except maybe the one of Seth's tongue! But I love all the flowers so much, pictures of the temple, and the picture of Seth and Katie with the temple in the background is awesome! You are so inspiring to me! Such a breath of fresh air! Thank you! What a great start to our day today! I love you!
A no talking rule...can I come to your house for conference next time?
Lets just say that I really look forward to the Ensign when it comes out so I can read all I missed!
I love the flowers too. Lantana are some of my favorite flowers. And I love the one of the morning glory and it looks like a light in the middle. I have to go with you next time I go to Temple Square because I have never seen some of those nice photo op. spots.
Thanks for your testimony on your last post and for your inspiring photos in this post, they lift me up. I Love you.
Are you sure you didn't have any other favorite talks?? I always think of you at conference time. Love ya Aim!
Oh man I love love love that blog! It's so awesome! DId you take all those pictures? They're so amazing!! I love them! I totally love your no talking rule, too. I like to think that I'd establish that if there were a lot of people talking during conference...But you know how I am with stuff like that :) I love conference! I'm sad it's already over!
Loved your pictures, loved your quotes. You know I didn't listen to much of Conference. But I did listen to a few talks online and reading all of your quotes got me excited for the Ensign issue. Thank goodness my parents send me the Ensign. You are such a wonderful example Amy, I hope you realize that.
So many of those quotes were also my favorites!!! And yes, it was a totally incredible conference. I LOVE your pictures. They're incredible! Especially that one of the flower with the sun shining through it! Awesome!
Great photos! Looks like autumn is beautifully in full-swing there in SLC, and conference was indeed amazing!
We sure had a great time watching conference with you. I even enjoyed your no talking rule! Wow, those pictures are amazing. I am excited that I got to tag along and watch you take all them! I am happy you posted my favorite blue water one on!
This entry is so wonderful!! And inspiring. Thank you Amy.
I love Confernce too and the talks that were given. What wonderful photos that you took.
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