November 11, 2008

Real Love

Aren't you ever just blown away by how much you're blessed by the lovely and loving lives of others?

You've seen those signs that say, "All because two people fell in love."

When two people fall in love, they really do change the world.

Certainly my world has been blessed by so many faithful, loving, happy marriages.

My parents marriage has blessed my life in so many ways. Not just by giving me life either. But by being faithful to one another they have blessed me with security which is not to be undervalued in our society! That's just the very start!

I remember thinking on my mission how grateful I was that my Mission President and his wife had a solid marriage. They spent their time focusing on us and not on their own issues. They were probably not issue-free (although I'm pretty sure they were) but they were solid and the world was blessed.

50 years have made so very many people So Happy.

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