Every once in a while is it ok to not be so happy? Mom - if this will make you sad please don't read on. Really. That goes for Stacey too...
Today I saw someone who looked just like my sister, Catheryn. I mean - just like her. JUST like her. For a second I really thought it was her. She moved like her, her hair was like her, everything. But fake Ryn was too tall. I was standing at the hospital entrance where I had taken a client for a blood test. We were waiting for the valet guy. So I just started crying. Just right there. I watched her walk away for a long time until I couldn't see her anymore. Fake Ryn - not the valet guy.
(Somewhere in Nebraska)
I really miss her. Catheryn - not the imposter.
It wasn't bothering me so much but then tonight I was watching Everybody loves Raymond and Debra was sad because her parents were getting divorced. So she snuggled up to Ray and just kept saying, "tighter" and he would squeeze her closer. And some days I just wish I could say "tighter" to someone. Well - I guess I could just say it to someone. That would be a little weird though - they'd be like, "Um, tighter what?" But you know what I mean. A real someone. My someone.
So -- all of you with two extra arms in your house - (hahaha - my friend Heather has a little Barbie arm that she carries with her all the time and it freaks me out!) - but you know - two other human arms that aren't yours - go get tighter. It'll make you so happy.
(The Winter Quarters Temple)
Thanks for "listening". And I will be So Happy tomorrow. Promise.
(And isn't it cool that all my August titles are Dolly songs? My mom totally figured it out! That actually does make me so happy - but not capitalized tonight. Just, so happy.)