There were so many
seen on my roadtrip home.
seen on my roadtrip home.
One of the most spectacular things I saw was on
my first night of driving.
Traveling to Nebraska I came upon a huge storm!
I thought I was driving into a tornado because the sky was so green and the clouds were so enormous! These were all taken out my window (or windshield)!
There was hail, torrential rain, wind -- I was scared!
But the beautiful scenery certainly helped.
my first night of driving.
Traveling to Nebraska I came upon a huge storm!
I thought I was driving into a tornado because the sky was so green and the clouds were so enormous! These were all taken out my window (or windshield)!
There was hail, torrential rain, wind -- I was scared!
But the beautiful scenery certainly helped.
The Storm coming closer...
Hello Little Gray Storm Clouds... Where is your friend Winnie?
This one is seriously straight out of the Creation.
It doesn't even look real! But it was SCARY!
Notice the massive traffic. I was a little worried that no one was coming out of the storm and no one else was going in! Like Willie Wonka's chocolate factory. So I called my friend Annie to get a check of tornadoes but there was just a severe thunder storm warning. I was a little worried I was going to be spending the night in a ditch hoping it would pass. But I made it to Ogallala and had a lovely evening at either Super 8 or Motel 6. I think Super 8 because there wasn't a light on for me.
Whatever happened to Tom Bodette anyway?
Annie assured me I was soon coming upon a town -- Chapel, Nebraska -- where I could potentially stay in order to avoid more storm. I pulled off there and saw the sign --
"Chapel, Population 979."
Although there was a symbol denoting available lodging on the exit sign to Chapel on the freeway, I was unwilling to stay at the Empire Motel.
I should've felt welcome there -- there was a large group of people (large for a city of 979) sitting outside the motel smoking and chatting it up.
But there were no lights.
And I was pretty sure that everyone in town probably had keys to every room in that motel.
No amount of my shoving a chair under the door handle was going to protect me in that town.
So on to Ogallala I went and I made it!
(PS - don't try driving and taking pictures at home. Or when you're not at home but you're in your car and want to remember everything you're seeing. Danger Will Rogers.)
Traveling across country (storms and all) - I mean who doesn't love some weather- and being 9 hours closer to home, seriously made me
So Happy!!!
Beautiful pictures! Seriously beautiful.
Amazing pictures! Glad you made it thru that storm. BTW, a thunderstorm warning means conditions are favorable for severe wind, rain and possible TORNADOS! So never think that because it's a "THUNDERSTORM WARNING (which means it WILL happen or is now occuring - not just a 'watch')that there won't be a tornado, because it is a very definite possibility!!
I thought I'd see something of Dolly in the post from the title!! Ohhh, remember when we watched her play the piano and sing that song?
Those are some awesome pictures! I love severe thunderstorms! Makes me remember just how powerful Heavenly Father is.
Tom Bodette! You're too funny. Yes, he'd be leaving the light on for you. However, it's "danger Will Robinson" and you're too young to even know that! Heck, I'm almost too young to know it. Nice photos. Glad you're home safely.
Hahaha! Maybe Will Rogers was in danger because he was out on the prairie somewhere with his horse... what was his horses name -- it's on the tip of my google....I think I'm thinking of a different Will all together. But I do remember Lost In Space. I remember watching it at Lalla's house!
Trigger. Who's horse was Trigger?
Haha -- That's Roy Rogers. So not related. Oh well.
Know what makes me so happy...your blog! And it was so great to catch up with you today. I love your stories. Pretty pictures.
WOW! Gorgeous skies!!!...
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