April 9, 2008

Lady in Red

So this was the scene of our happiness last week.

Aren't the girls great? (Amy, Andrea, Joselyne, Carolyn, Jessi, Natalie, Julianne)
(admittedly not a great "bangs" day for me)

Little did we know what happiness awaited us outside!

And there we are with her! Sister Beck! Her husband sang "Lady in Red" while he took our pictures. This picture was moments before the skipping phenomenon.

To get the girls to watch General Conference, I told them that they'd get a prize if they could tell me what color Sister Beck wore on Saturday and Sunday. She wasn't so easy to see - but I found her! We'll see if they know tonight when we play guitar hero! Last week - the Testaments and Sister Beck. This week -- Guitar Hero. But we'll never forget last week - I mean what could compare?

Still, So happy.


Patti said...

I like the picture of the temple and the reflection of the Christus. You know, not everyone would be able to recognize Sister Beck, so your girls are lucky you're so 'in-the-know' about such stuff.

LynnEl Springer said...

Your hair is soooooooooooo long! And you are still so happy, just about as happy as you were when you called me that night!! It is fun - you can almost hear the 'skipping' in your voice! How nice that the Lady in Red would take time to be with you and your girls!

Lisa Henderson said...

Thats awesome! I saw a Elder Oaks and Elder Scott once outside the church office buildings and I was totally embarrassing. Couldnt even say hi because I was giggling so much. That is awesome that she took the time to take pictures with you. Your girls are very lucky to have you!

Stacey said...

I'm guessing she wore red??

Stacey said...
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