Today I even had the sunroof open and the temperature got over 60 degrees! Don't worry - it's supposed to snow tomorrow. But there is HOPE!
Just two days after I took those pictures, the scene on Temple Square looked more like this.
Don't be droopy and sad...
It's almost General Conference Time!
And Guess who's going to Conference! ME!!!! Yippee!
Literally - nothing makes me happier. My friend Annie got tickets and she's taking me! Happy!
Any bets on who the new Apostle will be? My predictions/wishes -- Elder Wickman, Jensen, Hafen or Tingey. Of course - I'll be so excited no matter who it is...
We'll see! Just a few hours left until Conference weekend yeah! See - I love Spring!
So happy.
I'm sure that on the General Authorities blogs they are all talking about how Amy is going to be at conference.
Hey Amy, I am going to conference too!!! I might see you there... so much to tell you!!!
Im so happy your blogging. Come visit us in St George...shorts and t-shirt weather (although my legs arent ready for shorts!) I also saw you went to Disneyland recently! Love it! We had annual passes this year and made 6 trips out. Its going to be a sad year this year without them!
Oh Amy - I'm so glad that you have a blog! I love you and your happiness radiates in the words you write!!
Yeah!!! I'm so excited you have a blog! This is so cool!
Love you!
What fun it is to read your blog and it made me feel HAPPY!! I hope you have a good time at Conference. It will be nice when you are finished with school and can start keeping normal hours again. Well, I have to get going, but I do think of you and look forward to reading your thoughts and experiences on your blog!
Love Harriet
I read your blog - what fun - you are such a happy person - and that makes me happy! I don't know how to blog so send something to me too. Conference was absolutely msarvelous!!! Love you grandma G
Amy, I love your blog; your page is beautiful! Guess what! Less than a week ago we had snow on our daffodils, too!
Judy W.
Loved Noah's comment!!! I so think that the GAs are so happy that Amy is their friend too!
I am so happy you are blogging now. I unfortunately do not update often, but hopefully we will be able to keep up more and more this way. I also am so sad that we moved and I no longer get to see you all on Sundays. The move just completely crept up on me, and now I find myself trying to not let my father-in-law annoy me with his 20 minute long showers every is a little bit of a struggle. Anyway, hope you are doing well.
Nice daffodil picture! And I have to agree about Rod Steward. LaHame (you know how to read that, right? Kind of sing-songey. I love putting in an H where there shouldn't be one)
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