I love this talk and I love Sister Lifferth! Besides being incredibly intelligent, articulate and spiritual she has the cutest clothes ever! She was adorable each day of Women's Conference! Love her!
I swear, I highlighted half the talk! I love that she talks about being reverent with each other. Don't you think sometimes we just get all bumped and bruised because we forget who we're dealing with and we don't make a "reverent place in our hearts" for the other sons and daughters of God we meet everyday?
She gave such good examples of how to determine that for ourselves with real everyday applications or possibly irreverent times. I super love her line - Harshness in our training begets resentment, not reverence. So true!!! Remember how Sister Beck (at BYU Women's Conference) quoted Joseph F. Smith (I think) and said that while we cannot force our children to heaven, we may force them to hell while we try and make them better but are not as good as we should be ourselves! Man, I love her. (Check out the link to her talk - you can totally hear me laughing in the background! I love it!!! Besides loving every second of her entire talk, of course!!!!!)
And how excellent for Sister Lifferth to show that the real reason for reverence is at it's core - self-discipline. I am so going to try and be more reverent. I laugh outloud in church sometimes and have even been known to chuckle in the Temple. I'm pretty good about the cell phone in church but profound respect mingled with love is not always my first thought. And that is respect and love for God and our fellow man. Being reverent helps us follow the first and most important commandment! I love it.
Another thought I love -- creating a place of reverence in our hearts. Isn't that a fabulous idea? That is something I can do. And I can go to that place and be reminded of it in times that require reverence and then maybe someday I can just BE that person. That's my goal.
OK - I'm a huge general conference nerd. Who's surprised - come on.
Last thought - (like in testimony meeting - I know the time is short, but...) Isn't it great that President Packer promises not a miraculous transformation but a quiet one. How appropriate is that??? I certainly could use those blessings - so I will try to live the law connected to those blessings -- Reverence. Great talk. Aren't we blessed???
Seriously - General Conference and this new awesome book club I found make me So Happy!
Yay for conference! Amy, you make ME so happy!! :)
oh I haven't been on your blog for so long! I've been crazy busy and didn't even had the time to update mine. I love reading your blog. It's uplifting and refreshing... Now I have to tell you that I am GREEN... with envy LOL, in a good way, don't worry, I want to see wicked and I want a group of friends like you that inspire each other to be a little better!! I will have to come up with something, See? you are an inspiration for me too! Love ya
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