Well, today I was supposed to be in California, going to Disneyland and visiting my favorite Burnhams!
Last October I was in California to help my Grandma move back to Illinois.
After everything got finished up, I stayed an extra day and went down to San Diego to see my dear friends,
Elder and Sister Burnham.
Aren't they wonderful??
Oh I love them so so much!

We became friends when we were all working in the Seattle Temple.
It is such a blessing to know them! Since they're from Canada, I probably never would've known them without the Gospel!
Aren't there so many fantastic blessings from the Gospel??

One of my favorite-EVER road trips was with Sister Burnham. We had so much fun singing and talking all the way to and from Vancouver, Canada. Home was by way of closer-to-Vernon than we planned. It was wonderful. We didn't get to sleep until after midnight and had to be up at 4:00 a.m. to get Sister Burnham to the airport! When I knocked on her bedroom door to wake her up, she sat right up and was ready to go in 11 minutes flat! I mean dressed, ready, packed and she even had made my bed. Come on. She is so incredible. More energy and heart than anyone I know.

Now they're serving as missionaries in the San Diego Mission -- at the Mormon Battalion Visitor's Center -- but since the Visitor's Center is closed they are finding lots of other ways to serve.
And they are wonderful!

They get to spend time at
the Temple each week - working inside and out.
When people come to the Temple, they ask questions and can learn more about
our beliefs by talking to the Burnhams and other missionaries like them.

I love this picture of Sister Burnham teaching. She is an excellent teacher and such a love. Definitely one of the women I admire most in all the world. Y ella esta aprendiendo espanol y lo puede hablar muy bien!
And she is learning Spanish and can speak it very well!
I enjoyed taking pictures of the Temple that day and the surrounding grounds.
We saw a HUGE spider climbing down its filament from a tree. It kept climbing up and down and it was yucky! Sister Burnham thought perhaps it had filled the measure of its creation - but I don't think we killed it.
So... Spider alert -- there's a spider at the end of this post. Don't turn the page... Please, Please don't turn the page...
(It's the very very last picture.)

Elder Burnham is an excellent photographer and has taken such fantastic pictures of the Temple and the beauty of San Diego. He is one of my favorite men in the world. I love talking to him about - well everything - and especially the Gospel. He is such a straight arrow and has a deep and firm understanding of the Gospel and a tender heart. I remember neat conversations in the Temple with him -- especially when The Lord of the Rings movies came out because he loves Gospel Parallels just like me!
Did I mention how much I love the Burnhams???

They were involved with helping me finish all the Temple work for Hilda.
I am so glad they were there with me. That was one of the neatest experiences of my entire life.
They really cared about her because they knew I loved her so much.
That made me love them even more!

Doesn't that look like the Tree of Life?

Gorgeous windows of the Temple

I so wish I could've been with them this weekend.
Last time I was with them was right before the vote on Proposition 8.
I was so grateful I got to see them "in action" helping people understand some really important doctrine. They have always been representatives of Jesus Christ, but right now they get to wear a name badge that tells the world so.
I am so grateful to know them and hope someday I can be like them.

My dear sweet friends have for years, made me So Happy!
The spider picture's next! Don't turn that page!