#1 - Sister Beck got to tour Air Force One (President Monson and President Uchtdorf were also there (and fabulous)). Why that makes me happy... Just glad for a reason to mention again how fabulous Sister Beck is!
#2 - Rolos. Yum. Who thought of that perfect candy? So good.
#3 - Funny blind date stories. Did I tell you the one about the restaurant where there was a "little person" (is that pc? maybe if you don't put it in quotes, oh well) with three fingers making balloon animals? Awesome. Remind me to tell you someday. It's been a while since the actual date - but believe you me - the details are still ever so fresh in my mind.
#4 - The prospect of seeing April, Noah and Aidan tomorrow!!! Yeah!!! It's been like a month and I can't wait to get my hands on that little drooler! Just thinking about it makes me HAPPY!!! (yes it's #4 but this list is in no way in order or importance or level of created happiness.)
#5 - Facebook chatting. So fun. You know who you are. So happy.
#6 - Hilarious cell phone rings. My friend has one that just says - Ring. Ring, Ring and gets more and more like Seth screaming "Catheryn" until you answer.
#7 - Having tickets to Stomp, Young @ Heart and a midnight showing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail (what are your favorite quotes from the movie?)! Can't wait!
Well - seven makes me happy. Now bedtime... So happy!
May 29, 2008
May 28, 2008
1000 reasons to be happy...
Now I know those little view counters at the bottom of my blog are probably not completely accurate and they also reflect me looking at my own page...
But I got to 1000! I'm so happy! That means a handful of the same people looked at what makes me happy a whole bunch of times! How exciting is that?
So who are you all? Drop me a little post so I can know you looked at the blog and that you're one of the few, the proud, the... what comes next? Ugly? Can't be. I'll google it. Ha Ha. The Marines. They're not ugly for sure! So let me know who you are and if you're proud, ugly or a marine so I can be happy that you're reading about happiness!
(PS - I've had quite a number of people say that they'd leave a comment but don't know how. Here's a quick tutorial. See down below where it says the number of comments that are part of this post? Well - click on that. Then in the box you can leave your comment. You don't have to have a gmail account - just click on anonymous and it'll let you comment - but if you do it that way, sign your name at the end of your comment so I'm not wondering who my secret admirers are! I have so many - I mean... "don't hate me because I'm beautiful." Ha! Ok - now comment away!!!)
Friends and Comments make me -- you guessed it. So Happy!
But I got to 1000! I'm so happy! That means a handful of the same people looked at what makes me happy a whole bunch of times! How exciting is that?
So who are you all? Drop me a little post so I can know you looked at the blog and that you're one of the few, the proud, the... what comes next? Ugly? Can't be. I'll google it. Ha Ha. The Marines. They're not ugly for sure! So let me know who you are and if you're proud, ugly or a marine so I can be happy that you're reading about happiness!
(PS - I've had quite a number of people say that they'd leave a comment but don't know how. Here's a quick tutorial. See down below where it says the number of comments that are part of this post? Well - click on that. Then in the box you can leave your comment. You don't have to have a gmail account - just click on anonymous and it'll let you comment - but if you do it that way, sign your name at the end of your comment so I'm not wondering who my secret admirers are! I have so many - I mean... "don't hate me because I'm beautiful." Ha! Ok - now comment away!!!)
Friends and Comments make me -- you guessed it. So Happy!
May 27, 2008
Singing in the Rain... Well Planting Anyway.
So what to do when your friend's plants need planting and tomorrow she's leaving on vacation and today it's raining?
Plant in the rain! So fun!
There were pink daisies and yellow marigolds for the front yard and petunias and lots of other pretty plants for the side and back yards but I don't remember their names... Sorry plants. At first it wasn't really raining much - but then it really started coming down! We headed inside, then ventured out again even though it hadn't really stopped yet. Then when it rained harder we decided to just keep working - well ELJ really decided and I followed suit cuz it was fun to be in the rain (and because she gave me a big sack of groceries that they couldn't eat since they were heading on vacation so I had to pay off my bill!)! But pretty soon it was POURING - why don't I have pics!!! - so we waited it out, dripping wet, inside. And, as I'm sure you guessed, when we were almost done with all the planting, the sun came out bright and clear to tell us how happy it was to see new plants to shine on.
Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of ELJ and me out in the rain - but we were cute for sure. I also don't have pics of the 14 inches of mud on the 2 pairs of gloves I was using to squish down the mud around the plants once they were in - but I'm not joking about 14 inches. (Well - maybe I am a little cuz that's like more than a foot of mud - so I'll give you that.) And I don't have pics of all the wriggly earthworms that were helping all the plants grow, grow, grow! There were lots!
Then, as Noah says, isn't it a miracle that just one seed, some dirt and water and you get something good! Food that can sustain you (not to mention getting replanted by using the seeds from the very plant that you planted! and getting more food next year!) or lovely flowers that make you and the world happy. Miracle!!!
But I'll get pics of the pretty plants we planted and you will be impressed with my new found skill! It's not so hard to plant things and it's super fun to play in the mud!
Planting, rain, flowers and ELJ equals So Happy.
Plant in the rain! So fun!
There were pink daisies and yellow marigolds for the front yard and petunias and lots of other pretty plants for the side and back yards but I don't remember their names... Sorry plants. At first it wasn't really raining much - but then it really started coming down! We headed inside, then ventured out again even though it hadn't really stopped yet. Then when it rained harder we decided to just keep working - well ELJ really decided and I followed suit cuz it was fun to be in the rain (and because she gave me a big sack of groceries that they couldn't eat since they were heading on vacation so I had to pay off my bill!)! But pretty soon it was POURING - why don't I have pics!!! - so we waited it out, dripping wet, inside. And, as I'm sure you guessed, when we were almost done with all the planting, the sun came out bright and clear to tell us how happy it was to see new plants to shine on.
Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of ELJ and me out in the rain - but we were cute for sure. I also don't have pics of the 14 inches of mud on the 2 pairs of gloves I was using to squish down the mud around the plants once they were in - but I'm not joking about 14 inches. (Well - maybe I am a little cuz that's like more than a foot of mud - so I'll give you that.) And I don't have pics of all the wriggly earthworms that were helping all the plants grow, grow, grow! There were lots!
Then, as Noah says, isn't it a miracle that just one seed, some dirt and water and you get something good! Food that can sustain you (not to mention getting replanted by using the seeds from the very plant that you planted! and getting more food next year!) or lovely flowers that make you and the world happy. Miracle!!!
But I'll get pics of the pretty plants we planted and you will be impressed with my new found skill! It's not so hard to plant things and it's super fun to play in the mud!
Planting, rain, flowers and ELJ equals So Happy.
May 19, 2008
You Win! Charlie, You Win!
Run, do not walk, to see Prince Caspian - the new Narnia movie. Then, come over to my house, bring your Book of Mormon and let's seriously chat!!!
I loved it, loved it, loved it!!!
Nothing makes me happier than drawing Gospel Parallels in movies (and the Golden Girls. Not Gospel Parallels in the Golden Girls, just the Golden Girls.) Some of my favorite parallels are (and this list is definitely not comprehensive and very Lewis/Tolkien focused due to my recent viewing activities):
4. Lord of the Rings - all three - come on, you know you loved when Gandalf showed up all in white after the three days. And the spirits helping them from the "mountain" - um Temple reference anyone??? so many more...
3. Narnia. Edmund. The Crucifixion. The Resurrection. Mary and Martha. (PS - check out Sister Beck's AWESOME talk from BYU Women's Conf! Amazing teaching about the Relief Society and the Reorganization of the Church and Christ's organizing of the Church and the Relief Society in His day too! So happy!)
2. Prince Caspian. You can practically see Captain Moroni waving the Title of Liberty in the background. The giant goat/monster that holds the gate open so all the good guys can be saved and then he dies saving them. Aslan. Following the Spirit. The importance of becoming like a child. Leaving one world to come to another -- so beautiful and makes me want to go back and be with Aslan so badly. And even the trees obeying -- I think we're less than the dust of the earth because the dust always obeys and we just don't. The White Witch wanting a body so badly. I can't wait to go see it again.
1. The ultimate. Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The old one. Charlie's told he loses the prize because he didn't follow the rules... He gives Willie Wonka his heart -- in the form of an everlasting gobstopper and Charlie inherits the whole kingdom! And he gets to live there with his family. Beautiful. So beautiful.
Tomorrow I'm going to try and see the premiere of Indiana Jones -- I actually won tickets on the radio! Isn't that funny? I didn't know the answer to the title of the song those lyrics came from, but the DJ apparently felt sorry for me or something well, more like the song was almost up and no one knew the answer - so he tried to give me hints and when I still didn't get it he was like, "Look - I need a winner. So when we go back on the air - just say, "You sang to me by Mark Anthony!" So I did and I got the tickets! So happy.
So - the point is... Tomorrow when I go to the movie I'll see if there are any Gospel Parallels.
Which can you think of?
Seeing everything testify of Truth (For Aslan!) makes me So Happy!
I loved it, loved it, loved it!!!
Nothing makes me happier than drawing Gospel Parallels in movies (and the Golden Girls. Not Gospel Parallels in the Golden Girls, just the Golden Girls.) Some of my favorite parallels are (and this list is definitely not comprehensive and very Lewis/Tolkien focused due to my recent viewing activities):
4. Lord of the Rings - all three - come on, you know you loved when Gandalf showed up all in white after the three days. And the spirits helping them from the "mountain" - um Temple reference anyone??? so many more...
3. Narnia. Edmund. The Crucifixion. The Resurrection. Mary and Martha. (PS - check out Sister Beck's AWESOME talk from BYU Women's Conf! Amazing teaching about the Relief Society and the Reorganization of the Church and Christ's organizing of the Church and the Relief Society in His day too! So happy!)
2. Prince Caspian. You can practically see Captain Moroni waving the Title of Liberty in the background. The giant goat/monster that holds the gate open so all the good guys can be saved and then he dies saving them. Aslan. Following the Spirit. The importance of becoming like a child. Leaving one world to come to another -- so beautiful and makes me want to go back and be with Aslan so badly. And even the trees obeying -- I think we're less than the dust of the earth because the dust always obeys and we just don't. The White Witch wanting a body so badly. I can't wait to go see it again.
1. The ultimate. Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The old one. Charlie's told he loses the prize because he didn't follow the rules... He gives Willie Wonka his heart -- in the form of an everlasting gobstopper and Charlie inherits the whole kingdom! And he gets to live there with his family. Beautiful. So beautiful.
Tomorrow I'm going to try and see the premiere of Indiana Jones -- I actually won tickets on the radio! Isn't that funny? I didn't know the answer to the title of the song those lyrics came from, but the DJ apparently felt sorry for me or something well, more like the song was almost up and no one knew the answer - so he tried to give me hints and when I still didn't get it he was like, "Look - I need a winner. So when we go back on the air - just say, "You sang to me by Mark Anthony!" So I did and I got the tickets! So happy.
So - the point is... Tomorrow when I go to the movie I'll see if there are any Gospel Parallels.
Which can you think of?
Seeing everything testify of Truth (For Aslan!) makes me So Happy!
May 14, 2008
Da, da da da, da, da (Song to the tune of Pomp and Circumstance)
Well, Hello world!
(My dad wanted to come but he had to farm...
We missed him a lot!)
We missed him a lot!)

We had so much fun playing with my nephew and being with the family!
And Stacey and Cody were here too and I loved being with everyone!
And I got the cutest banner from April that is so adorable that
I can't wait to have another party to use it!
Family is So Happy!!!!
(but not getting pics with everyone is not so happy...
What were we thinking! Oh well...)

My graduation party was so super fun!!

Anyone else excited to see "Stepbrothers?")
Everything was RED at my party which made for some good eats!
There were so many people here that I love
(even my friend Sister Brown clear from Seattle!!!!)
and I loved every second of it!
Graduating is So Happy!
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